Cryptocurrency - Earn, Hold, Buy & Crypto Mining
Understand the basics & fundamentals to hold, buy, sell, convert, earn cryptocurrencies or even Mining.
Finance and Accounting,Cryptocurrency and Blockchain,Cryptocurrency
Lectures -13
Duration -1 hours
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Course Description
Over the past several years, business have made great strides in improving customer service, productivity, and manufacturing processes. Information technology has played a large role in facilitating these increases in productivity. Business constantly seeks ways to improve itself, whether it has the goal of increasing customer satisfaction, increasing revenues, or reducing costs. Over the years, we have seen several trends develop, one of them is the cryptocurrency.
Take advantage of the new capabilities that we have from the new technologies nowadays. Holding a credit card and pay at supermarket was and is a very good way of exchange goods with money. However, nowadays we have possibilities to use more platforms or online banks accounts that allow us to hold our money online and safe, moreover, they give us possibility to hold cryptos as well. And that is a great options.
The aim of this course is to show you how you can get into the world of crypto, how and where you can buy and hold some cryptos - Knowing that holding means earning or loosing. However, you will have info that show you the way to hold and to earn.
Note that: this course is the answer to questions of some people for us, so it might be very basic and simple for you, but you might also find your own answer.

Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course
2 Lectures
Important to start
Intro 03:19 03:19
8 Lectures

3 Lectures

Instructor Details

Nico @softcademy
Experienced Web Development Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in PHP, Python, Java, MySQL, Android studio, JavaScript, jQuery, and full-stack web development. Master of Information Technology; ICDL instructor.
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