esddsp Command in Linux

The esddsp command stands for Enlightened Sound Daemon Digital Signal Processor. It's a tool that allows applications that do not natively support the Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD) to output audio through ESD by rerouting the audio device.

Table of Contents

Here is a comprehensive guide to the options available with the esddsp command −

How does esddsp Command Work?

The esddsp command works by intercepting calls to open the /dev/dsp device and rerouting them to ESD. This allows applications that are designed to use the OSS (Open Sound System) interface to work with ESD seamlessly. It's a form of emulation that broadens the compatibility of audio applications on Linux systems.

The esddsp command in Linux is a versatile tool that allows users to reroute audio from non-ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon) applications through the ESD system. This can be particularly useful when you want to apply ESD's features, such as network audio streaming or mixing, to applications that do not natively support ESD.

esddsp Command in Linux

The esddsp command in Linux is a versatile tool that allows users to reroute audio from non-ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon) applications through the ESD system. This can be particularly useful for ensuring that all audio on the system is managed through a single daemon, which can help with mixing sounds from different applications.

Usage and Options with esddsp Command

The basic usage of esddsp is straightforward. Here's a quick rundown of the command structure and options −

esddsp [options] player arguments

Here's a breakdown of the options available with the esddsp command −

Options Descriptions
-h, --help Displays help information. This option provides a brief help message outlining the command's usage and options, which is useful for beginners or as a quick reminder for experienced users.
-s, --server=HOST:PORT Specifies the ESD server's host and port. With this option, you can specify the host and port of the ESD server you wish to connect to. This is essential when you are working in a networked environment or when the ESD server is not running on the default host or port.
-m, --mixer Enables mixer support. This enables mixer support, allowing for more fine-tuned control over the audio output through the ESD system.
-n, --name=NAME Uses a specific name to identify the player to ESD. This option allows users to specify a name to identify the player to the ESD. It can be helpful for administrative or debugging purposes when you need to distinguish between multiple audio sources.
-v, --verbose Outputs verbose information about the parameters. By using this option, esddsp will show more detailed parameters, which can be helpful for troubleshooting or understanding exactly how the audio is being routed.
--mmap Enables memory mapping emulation, which can be useful for certain games like Quake. This option enables memory mapping emulation, which can be particularly useful for games like Quake that may require this type of audio handling for optimal performance.

The esddsp command is part of a suite of tools that work with the ESD system, and understanding how to use it effectively can greatly enhance your audio experience on Linux systems. For further reading and more detailed information, you can refer to the Linux man page or online tutorials.

Remember, before using the esddsp command, it's important to ensure that the ESD system is properly installed and configured on your Linux machine. With the right setup, esddsp can be a powerful tool in your Linux audio toolkit.

Examples of esddsp Command in Linux

The esddsp command is particularly useful when dealing with legacy applications or games that expect to communicate directly with the /dev/dsp device. By using esddsp, users can ensure these applications work with modern sound servers without the need for extensive reconfiguration or code changes.

Here are some examples of how you can use the esddsp command −

  • Basic Usage
  • Specifying the ESD Server
  • Enabling Mixer Support
  • Naming the Player
  • Verbose Output
  • Memory Mapping Emulation

Basic Usage

To simply reroute the audio of a player application through ESD, you can use the esddsp command −

esddsp player_application
Basic Usage of esddsp Command

Replace player_application with the actual command you would use to run your audio application.

Specifying the ESD Server

If you need to specify a particular ESD server, you can use the -s or --server option −

esddsp --server=HOST:PORT player_application
Specifying the ESD Server

Replace HOST:PORT with the hostname and port number of the ESD server you wish to use.

Enabling Mixer Support

To enable mixer support, which allows volume control for the rerouted audio, use the -m or --mixer option −

esddsp --mixer player_application
Enabling Mixer Support

Naming the Player

If you want to identify the player to ESD with a specific name, use the -n or --name option −

esddsp --name='MyPlayer' player_application
Naming the Player

Verbose Output

For troubleshooting or more detailed output, the -v or --verbose option can be used −

esddsp --verbose player_application
Verbose Output

Memory Mapping Emulation

For applications that require memory-mapped audio, such as certain games, the --mmap option can be helpful −

esddsp --mmap player_application
Memory Mapping Emulation

These examples demonstrate the flexibility of the esddsp command in integrating non-ESD applications with the Enlightened Sound Daemon's capabilities. For more detailed information and additional options, you can refer to the esddsp man page or online tutorials.

Important − Remember to replace player_application with the command you would normally use to run your audio application. Also, ensure that ESD is properly installed and configured on your system before attempting to use esddsp.


While esddsp might not be a command that everyday Linux users encounter, it plays a vital role in maintaining the audio ecosystem's flexibility and compatibility. It exemplifies the adaptability of Linux systems and the community's commitment to supporting a wide range of applications.

For more detailed information and examples of how to use esddsp, you can refer to the Unix/Linux command tutorials or the Linux man pages. These resources provide a comprehensive look at the command and its capabilities, ensuring that you can make the most out of your audio experience on Linux.
