Advance Javascript Mastery
Elevate Your JavaScript Skills to Expert Level!
Development ,Web Development,JavaScript
Lectures -45
Duration -3 hours
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Course Description
Unleash the fullest capacities of JavaScript through our “Advanced JavaScript Mastery” course. This course is meant for experienced developers and explores into JavaScript’s underlying trade secrets including such areas as curried functions, higher-order functions, Generators and Iterators, decorators and memoization among others. WeakMap and WeakSet are two examples of advanced data structures that the students will explore. Proxy and Reflect, immutable data structures, custom error handling mechanisms, debugging methods performance profiling techniques event optimization among others will also be covered in this course. In case you want to boost your current levels of competence or go beyond everything that is achievable by means of JavaScript this is the right course for you because it provides a complete hands-on learning experience..We welcome you to come learn with us about complicated JavaScript ideas so that you can improve on your programming skills.
Build reusable custom elements with Web Components.
Use Proxy and Reflect for custom behavior in JavaScript.
Solid understanding of fundamental JavaScript concepts, including ES6+ features, and experience with HTML and CSS.
Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course
10 Lectures
- Understanding Lexical Scope 04:52 04:52
- Closures and practical use cases 05:00 05:00
- Prototypal Inheritance 04:52 04:52
- Extending Prototypes 03:42 03:42
- Syntax and Features of ES6 Classes 06:04 06:04
- ES6 Static Methods and Properties 04:26 04:26
- Exporting and Importing Modules 05:03 05:03
- Dynamic Imports 05:02 05:02
- Creating and Chaining Promises 06:40 06:40
- Using Async/Await for Asynchronous Code 04:15 04:15
Deep Dive
7 Lectures
Advance Functions
6 Lectures
Data Structures
6 Lectures
Error Handling
5 Lectures
Performance Optimization
5 Lectures
Modern Javascript
6 Lectures
Instructor Details
Paul Carlo Tordecilla
Full Stack DeveloperHi, I'm Paul Carlo Tordecilla. As a software developer with over 10 years of experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world expertise to my role as an instructor on Tutorialspoint. I am passionate about sharing my skills and helping others master the intricacies of software development. In addition to my technical courses, I also plan to start teaching leadership, helping professionals enhance their decision-making and management skills. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer aiming to sharpen your skills, my courses are designed to provide you with the practical tools and insights you need to succeed in the ever-evolving world of technology and leadership.
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