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Behavioral Economics & Buyer Psychology- Drivers of Behavior

person icon Matej Sucha


Behavioral Economics & Buyer Psychology- Drivers of Behavior

Learn about Key Drivers of Customer Behavior

updated on icon Updated on Sep, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Matej Sucha

English [CC]

category icon Finance and Accounting,Economics,

Lectures -5

Resources -1

Duration -1 hours

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Course Description

When it comes to changing someone's behavior, you can either add motivation or remove friction. The course is full of case studies and fascinating examples.

The course curriculum consists of 5 lectures: 

1. Introduction to Drivers of behavior

  • Do you remember the space rocket analogy to changing behavior? In order to make a rocket move, you can either add fuel or remove friction. Three of the five principles from this chapter are “fuel principles” and two are “friction principles”.

    Matej explains each of the five principles in detail and illustrates them with MINDWORX own case studies and fascinating research summaries.

2. Uncertainty - The Most Important Principle

  • Why do we shy away from using the self-checkout, especially when the line at the cashier desk is such a drag? How does Netflix make signing up for a free month trial seem so reassuring and transparent? And what does all this mean for your business? You’ll learn how Matej used this concept to boost conversions by 154%.

3. The Ingenuity of Social proof

  • Why do we tend to go with the flow and what does it mean for your marketing strategy? You’ll discover why pointing out what everybody isn’t doing is not the right appeal to get more people to join. You’ll also find that there are quite a lot of ways to do this better and learn what to look out for when it comes to nailing down the intricacies of social proof.

4. The Power of Loss Aversion

  • Disenchanting to experience, enchanting to use. That’s loss aversion in a nutshell. What’s the right appeal? And what can backfire?

    You’ll find that IKEA packs quite a punch in this video; it even has an effect in its name: The IKEA effect.

    How can you make someone feel like they own something before they’ve even purchased it? Why does this work so well? Well, it all comes down to what’s known as the endowment effect, which helped Matej increase job ad conversions by 57%.

5. Case study: Landing Page

  • The never-ending debate about what makes for a good landing page… Often, details can make a big difference. This case study is exactly about those details.


Your course instructor is Matej Sucha, a recognized speaker, and expert in applying behavioral economics and consumer psychology in business with notable experience in working with both large corporates and SMBs.


  • What’s the most important and overlooked principle in consumer psychology and how to use it

  • How to use people’s tendency to go with the flow to your advantage and incorporate it in your marketing strategy

  • Why you should make customers feel like they got something from you before even asking them to buy something or sign up

  • The easiest strategy to persuade customers – reduce the perceived effort

  • Why customers are twice as sensitive to losses as they are to gains and how to use this in your communication in unexpected ways


  • There are no course requirements or prerequisites for this course. What you'll need is a notebook or pen and paper to take notes.

Behavioral Economics & Buyer Psychology- Drivers of Behavior


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Behavioral Economics & Buyer Psychology- Drivers of Behavior
5 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction to Drivers of behavior 02:40 02:40
  • play icon Uncertainty - The Most Important Principle 22:00 22:00
  • play icon The Ingenuity of Social proof 21:13 21:13
  • play icon The Power of Loss Aversion 21:59 21:59
  • play icon Case study: Landing Page 03:44 03:44

Instructor Details

Matej Sucha

Matej Sucha

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