查找链表长度的 C 语言程序
- 单链表
- 双链表
- 循环单链表
- 循环双链表
int length(node *temp){ if(temp==NULL) return l; else{ l=l+1; length(temp->next); } }
以下是查找链表长度的 C 语言程序:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct linklist{ int data; struct linklist *next; }node; int l=0; int main(){ node *head=NULL,*temp,*temp1; int len,choice,count=0,key; do{ temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(temp!=NULL){ printf("
enter the elements in a list : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); temp->next=NULL; if(head==NULL){ head=temp; }else{ temp1=head; while(temp1->next!=NULL){ temp1=temp1->next; } temp1->next=temp; } }else{ printf("
Memory is full"); } printf("
press 1 to enter data into list: "); scanf("%d",&choice); }while(choice==1); len=length(head); printf("The list has %d no of nodes",l); return 0; } //recursive function to find length int length(node *temp){ if(temp==NULL) return l; else{ l=l+1; length(temp->next); } }
Run 1: enter the elements in a list: 3 press 1 to enter data into list: 1 enter the elements in a list: 56 press 1 to enter data into list: 1 enter the elements in a list: 56 press 1 to enter data into list: 0 The list has 3 no of nodes Run 2: enter the elements in a list: 12 press 1 to enter data into list: 1 enter the elements in a list: 45 press 1 to enter data into list: 0 The list has 2 no of nodes