检查 Java HashMap 中是否存在给定键
使用 containsKey() 方法并检查给定的键在 HashMap 中是否存在。
让我们先创建 HashMap 并添加一些元素 -
// Create a hash map HashMap hm = new HashMap(); // Put elements to the map hm.put("Bag", new Integer(1100)); hm.put("Sunglasses", new Integer(2000)); hm.put("Frames", new Integer(800)); hm.put("Wallet", new Integer(700)); hm.put("Belt", new Integer(600));
现在,假设我们需要检查键“Bag”是否存在,为此,请像这样使用 containsKey() 方法 -
下面是检查给定键在 HashMap 中是否存在的一个示例 -
import java.util.*; public class Demo { public static void main(String args[]) { // Create a hash map HashMap hm = new HashMap(); // Put elements to the map hm.put("Bag", new Integer(1100)); hm.put("Sunglasses", new Integer(2000)); hm.put("Frames", new Integer(800)); hm.put("Wallet", new Integer(700)); hm.put("Belt", new Integer(600)); // Get a set of the entries Set set = hm.entrySet(); System.out.println("Elements in HashMap..."); // Get an iterator Iterator i = set.iterator(); // Display elements while(i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)i.next(); System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": "); System.out.println(me.getValue()); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Does Bag exist in the HashMap = "+hm.containsKey("Bag")); } }
Elements in HashMap... Frames: 800 Belt: 600 Wallet: 700 Bag: 1100 Sunglasses: 2000 Does Bag exist in the HashMap = true