验证字符串是否以 JavaScript 中的标点符号开头
假设我们有下列字符串。其中一个以问号开头,即标点符号 −
var sentence1 = 'My Name is John Smith.' var sentence2 = '? My Name is John Smith.'
我们需要检查上述两个句子是否以标点符号开头。若要检查字符串是否以标点符号开头,代码如下 −
var punctuationDetailsRegularExpression=/^[.,:!?]/ var sentence1 = 'My Name is John Smith.' var output1 = !!sentence1.match(punctuationDetailsRegularExpression) if(output1==true) console.log("This ("+sentence1+") starts with a punctuation"); else console.log("This ("+sentence1+") does not starts with a punctuation"); var sentence2 = '? My Name is John Smith.' var output2 = !!sentence2.match(punctuationDetailsRegularExpression) if(output2==true) console.log("This ( "+sentence2+") starts with a punctuation"); else console.log("This ( "+sentence2+" ) does not starts with apunctuation");
若要运行上述程序,您需要使用以下命令 −
node fileName.js.
此处我的文件名是 demo209.js。
这将生成以下输出 −
PS C:\Users\Amit\javascript-code> node demo209.js This (My Name is John Smith.) does not starts with a punctuation This ( ? My Name is John Smith.) starts with a punctuation