C++ 编程,无表情图案绘制
给定一个数字 n;任务是创建无表情图案,最多可包含 n 行,并显示结果。无表情图案使用特殊字符创建,看起来像:“*_*”。
Input-: n = 6 Output-:
Input-: n = 8 Output-:
Start Step 1-> In function print_stars(int i) Loop For j = 1 and j <= i and j++ Print “*” Step 2-> In function print_pattern(int rows) Loop For i = 1 and i <= rows and i++ Call function print_stars(i) Print “_” Call print_stars(rows - i + 1) Print “_” Call print_stars(rows - i + 1) Print ”_” Call print_stars(i) Print newline Step 3-> In function int main() Declare and set rows = 8 Call print_pattern(rows) Stop
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //function to print stars void print_stars(int i) { for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) cout << "*"; } void print_pattern(int rows) { for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { print_stars(i); cout << "_"; print_stars(rows - i + 1); cout << "_"; print_stars(rows - i + 1); cout << "_"; print_stars(i); cout << endl; } } int main() { int rows = 8; print_pattern(rows); return 0; }