


Given array A = [89, 12, 32, 74, 14, 69, 45, 12, 99, 85, 63, 32]
After deleting an element from index 5, the array will be like this:

A = [89, 12, 32, 74, 14, 45, 12, 99, 85, 63, 32]



  • 获取包含n个元素的数组A和位置pos

  • 如果pos >= n + 1,则

    • 无法删除,退出函数

  • 否则

    • 对于索引c = pos到n − 1,执行

      • A[ c ] = A[ c + 1 ]

    • 结束循环

    • n := n − 1

  • 结束if


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
# define Z 30

using namespace std;

void displayArr(int arr[], int n ) {
   for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
      cout << arr[ i ] << ", ";
   cout << endl;

void deleteElement( int A[], int &n, int pos ){
   if ( pos >= n + 1 ) {   
      cout << "Deletion not possible" << endl;
      for ( int c = pos; c < n ; c++ ) {
         A[ c ] = A[ c + 1 ];          
      n = n - 1;

int main() {
   int arr[ Z ] = {84, 56, 21, 32, 74, 96, 85, 41, 21, 94, 20, 37, 36, 75, 20};
   int n = 15;
   cout << "Given array elements: ";
   displayArr( arr, n);
   cout << "Delete from last position (position 15)" << endl;
   deleteElement( arr, n, 15 );
   cout << "Array after deleting last element: " << endl;
   displayArr( arr, n);
   cout << "Delete from first position (position 0)" << endl;
   deleteElement( arr, n, 0 );
   cout << "Array after deleting first element: " << endl;
   displayArr( arr, n);
   cout << "Delete from position 7" << endl;
   deleteElement( arr, n, 7 );
   cout << "Array after deleting element from index 7: " << endl;
   displayArr( arr, n);


Given array elements: 84, 56, 21, 32, 74, 96, 85, 41, 21, 94, 20, 37, 36, 75, 20, 
Delete from last position (position 15)
Array after deleting last element: 
84, 56, 21, 32, 74, 96, 85, 41, 21, 94, 20, 37, 36, 75, 
Delete from first position (position 0)
Array after deleting first element: 
56, 21, 32, 74, 96, 85, 41, 21, 94, 20, 37, 36, 75, 
Delete from position 7
Array after deleting element from index 7: 
56, 21, 32, 74, 96, 85, 41, 94, 20, 37, 36, 75,



更新于: 2022年12月13日

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