C++ 程序实现已排序的单向链表
在数据结构中,链表是数据元素的线性集合。链表的每个元素或节点包含两项 - 数据和对下一个节点的引用。最后一个节点引用为 null。在链表中,入口点称为链表头。
开发一个 C++ 程序以实现已排序的单向链表。
Begin function createnode() to insert node in the list: It checks whether the list is empty or not. If the list is empty put the node as first element and update head. Initialize the next pointer with NULL. If list is not empty, It creates a newnode and inserts the number in the data field of the newnode. Now the newnode will be inserted in such a way that linked list will remain sorted. If it gets inserted at the last, then the newnode points to NULL. If the newnode inserted at the first, then the linked list starts from there. End Begin function display() to print the list content having n number of nodes: Initialize c = 0. Initialize pointer variable with the start address while (c <= n) Print the node info Update pointer variable Increment c. End
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct nod { int d; nod *n; } *p = NULL, *head = NULL, *q = NULL, *np = NULL; int c = 0; void createnode(int n) { np = new nod; np->d = n; np->n = NULL; if (c == 0) { head = np; p = head; p->n = head; c++; } else if (c == 1) { p = head; q = p; if (np->d < p->d) { np->n = p; head = np; p->n = np; } else if (np->d > p->d) { p->n = np; np->n = head; } c++; } else { p = head; q = p; if (np->d < p->d) { np->n = p; head = np; do { p = p->n; } while (p->n != q); p->n = head; } else if (np->d > p->d) { while (p->n != head && q->d < np->d) { q = p; p = p->n; if (p->n == head) { p->n = np; np->n = head; } else if (np->d< p->d) { q->n = np; np->n = p; break; } } } } } void display(int i) { nod *t = head; int c = 0; while (c <= i ) { cout<<t->d<<"\t"; t = t->n; c++; } } int main() { int i = 0, n, a; cout<<"enter the no of nodes\n"; cin>>n; while (i < n) { cout<<"\nenter value of node\n"; cin>>a; createnode(a); i++; } cout<<"sorted singly link list"<<endl; display(n); }
enter the no of nodes 5 enter value of node 6 enter value of node 4 enter value of node 7 enter value of node 3 enter value of node 2 sorted singly link list 2 3 4 6 7 2