逐字读取文件的 C++ 程序?
在本节中,我们将看到如何使用 C++ 逐字读取文件内容。这个任务很简单。我们必须使用文件输入流来读取文件内容。文件流将使用文件名打开文件,然后使用 FileStream 加载每个单词并将它们存储到一个名为单词的变量中。然后逐个打印每个单词。
begin file = open file using filename while file has new word, do print the word into the console done end
文件内容 (test_file.txt)
This is a test file. There are many words. The program will read this file word by word
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; void read_word_by_word(string filename) { fstream file; string word; file.open(filename.c_str()); while(file > word) { //take word and print cout << word << endl; } file.close(); } main() { string name; cout << "Enter filename: "; cin >> name; read_word_by_word(name); }
Enter filename: test_file.txt This is a test file. There are many words. The program will read this file word by word