如何在 Python 中根据字典的值对字典列表进行排序?
在本文中,我们将展示如何在 Python 中根据字典的值对字典列表进行排序。
排序一直是日常编程中一项有用的技术。Python 的字典经常用于各种应用中,从竞赛到面向开发人员的应用(例如处理 JSON 数据)。在某些情况下,能够根据字典的值过滤字典会很有用。
使用 sorted() 和 itemgetter
使用 sorted() 和 lambda 函数
字典是 Python 中关联数组数据结构的版本。字典是键值对的集合。每个键值对由一个键和与其关联的值表示。
字典是一个有序的数据值集合,可以使用键访问。字典是键值映射。dict() 是用于创建 dict 类实例的构造函数。字典中的元素顺序是未定义的。可以迭代键、值或键值对。
使用 sorted() 和 Itemgetter
sorted() 函数
sorted() 函数返回给定可迭代对象的排序列表。
sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=reverse)
iterable - 它是一个序列。
key - 将执行以确定顺序的函数。默认值为 None。
reverse - 布尔表达式。True 表示升序排序,False 表示降序排序。默认值为 False。
Python 中的 Itemgetter
为了实现类似的功能,可以使用 Itemgetter 函数代替 lambda 函数。与 sorted() 和 lambda 相同,但具有不同的内部实现。它接受字典键并将它们转换为元组。它最大限度地减少了开销,同时速度更快、效率更高。
性能 - 在性能方面,itemgetter 在时间方面优于 lambda 函数。
简洁 - 在访问多个值时,itemgetter 看起来比 lambda 函数更简单。
使用 import 关键字从 operator 模块导入itemgetter以实现 itemgetter。
使用sorted()函数(返回给定可迭代对象的排序列表)和 itemgetter 打印按分数排序的列表。
以下程序使用 sorted() 和 itemgetter 返回按值排序的输入字典列表:
# importing itemgetter from the operator module # (for implementing itemgetter) from operator import itemgetter # Input list of dictionaries inputList = [{"cricketer": "Dhoni", "score": 75},{"cricketer": "Virat Kohli", "score": 90}, {"cricketer": "Hardik Pandya", "score": 65}] print("The sorted list by score: ") # printing the sorted list by score using the sorted() and itemgetter print(sorted(inputList, key=itemgetter('score'))) print("\r") # printing the sorted list by both cricketer, score using the sorted() and itemgetter # Here Dhoni comes first since 'D' comes first then H, and V alphabetically print("The sorted list by both cricketer and score: ") print(sorted(inputList, key=itemgetter('cricketer', 'score'))) print("\r") # printing the sorted list by the score in descending order # using the sorted() and itemgetter print("The sorted list by the score in descending order: ") print(sorted(inputList, key=itemgetter('score'), reverse=True))
The sorted list by score: [{'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}, {'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}] The sorted list by both cricketer and score: [{'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}, {'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}] The sorted list by the score in descending order: [{'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}, {'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}]
使用 sorted() 和 lambda 函数
以下程序使用 sorted() 和 lambda() 函数返回按值排序的输入字典列表:
# Input list of dictionaries inputList = [{"cricketer": "Dhoni", "score": 75},{"cricketer": "Virat Kohli", "score": 90}, {"cricketer": "Hardik Pandya", "score": 65}] print("The sorted list by score: ") # printing the sorted list by score using the sorted() and lambda functions print(sorted(inputList, key=lambda k: k['score'])) print("\r") # printing the sorted list by both cricketer, and score using the sorted() and lambda functions # Here Dhoni comes first since 'D' comes first then H, and V alphabetically print("The sorted list by both cricketer and score: ") print(sorted(inputList, key=lambda k: (k['cricketer'], k['score']))) print("\r") # printing the sorted list by the score in descending order # using the sorted() and lambda functions print("The sorted list by the score in descending order: ") print(sorted(inputList, key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True))
The sorted list by score: [{'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}, {'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}] The sorted list by both cricketer and score: [{'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}, {'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}] The sorted list by the score in descending order: [{'cricketer': 'Virat Kohli', 'score': 90}, {'cricketer': 'Dhoni', 'score': 75}, {'cricketer': 'Hardik Pandya', 'score': 65}]
在这篇文章中,我们学习了如何使用两种不同的方法根据值对字典列表进行排序。在本文中,我们还学习了 lambda 函数和 item getter。