如何用 C 语言将完整的文本逐个单词一行显示?
首先,以写入模式打开文件。然后,输入文本,直到达到文件结尾 (EOF),即按下 ctrlZ 关闭文件。
我们实现的用一行打印一个单词的逻辑如下 -
while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF){ if(fp){ char word[100]; while(fscanf(fp,"%s",word)!=EOF) // read words from file{ printf("%s
", word); // print each word on separate lines. } fclose(fp); // close file. } }
以下是显示完整文本,一行一个单词的 C 程序 -
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ char ch; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("file.txt","w"); //open the file in write mode printf("enter the text then press cntrl Z:
"); while((ch = getchar())!=EOF){ putc(ch,fp); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("file.txt","r"); printf("text on the file:
"); while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF){ if(fp){ char word[100]; while(fscanf(fp,"%s",word)!=EOF) // read words from file{ printf("%s
", word); // print each word on separate lines. } fclose(fp); // close file. } Else{ printf("file doesnot exist"); // then tells the user that the file does not exist. } } return 0; }
执行上述程序时,将产生以下结果 -
enter the text then press ctrl Z: Hi Hello Welcome To My World ^Z text on the file: Hi Hello Welcome To My World