如何在 Java 中使用 lambda 表达式初始化一个数组?
数组是一个固定大小的相同类型的元素。lambda 表达式可用于在 Java 中初始化数组。但无法使用通用数组初始化。
示例 1
interface Algebra { int operate(int a, int b); } public class LambdaWithArray1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialization of an array in Lambda Expression Algebra alg[] = new Algebra[] { (a, b) -> a+b, (a, b) -> a-b, (a, b) -> a*b, (a, b) -> a/b }; System.out.println("The addition of a and b is: " + alg[0].operate(30, 20)); System.out.println("The subtraction of a and b is: " + alg[1].operate(30, 20)); System.out.println("The multiplication of a and b is: " + alg[2].operate(30, 20)); System.out.println("The division of a and b is: " + alg[3].operate(30, 20)); } }
The addition of a and b is: 50 The subtraction of a and b is: 10 The multiplication of a and b is: 600 The division of a and b is: 1
示例 2
interface CustomArray<V> { V arrayValue(); } public class LambdaWithArray2 { public static void main(String args[]) { // Initilaize an array in Lambda Expression CustomArray<String>[] strArray = new CustomArray[] { () -> "Adithya", () -> "Jai", () -> "Raja", () -> "Surya" }; System.out.println(strArray[0].arrayValue()); System.out.println(strArray[1].arrayValue()); System.out.println(strArray[2].arrayValue()); System.out.println(strArray[3].arrayValue()); } }
Adithya Jai Raja Surya