如何使用 JavaScript 按名称列出所有 cookie?
要按名称列出所有 cookie,请在数组中使用 cookie 对。然后,你需要获取该数组中的键值对。
你可以尝试运行以下代码来列出所有 cookie
<html> <head> <script> <!-- function ReadCookie() { var allcookies = document.cookie; document.write ("All Cookies : " + allcookies ); // Get all the cookies pairs in an array cookiearray = allcookies.split(';'); // Now take key value pair out of this array for(var i = 0; i < cookiearray.length; i++) { name = cookiearray[i].split('=')[0]; value = cookiearray[i].split('=')[1]; document.write ("Key is : " + name + " and Value is : " + value); } } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form name = "myform" action = ""> <p> click the following button and see the result: </p> <input type = "button" value = "Get Cookie" onclick = "ReadCookie()"/> </form> </body> </html>