如何替换 Kotlin 中 String 中重复的 whitespace?
为了去除字符串中的多余空格,我们将使用 String 类的 replace() 函数以及 toRegex() 函数。要将所有连续的空格替换为单个空格“”,请将 replace() 函数与正则表达式“\s +”一起使用,该正则表达式与一个或多个空格字符匹配。
示例 – 移除 Kotlin 中的多余空格
fun main(args: Array<String>) { var myString = "Removing ex tra spa ce from String" println("Input String:
" + myString) // removing duplicate whitespace println("
Extra whitespaces removed:
" + myString.replace("\s+".toRegex(), " ")) // removing all the whitespaces println("
After removing all the whitespaces:
" + myString.replace("\s+".toRegex(), "")) }
它将生成以下输出 -
Input String: Removing ex tra spa ce from String Extra whitespaces removed: Removing ex tra spa ce from String After removing all the whitespaces: RemovingextraspacefromString
fun main(args: Array<String>) { var myString = "Use Coding Ground to Compile and Execute Kotlin Codes" println("Input String:
" + myString) // removing consecutive double whitespaces println("
After removing double whitespaces:
" + myString.replace("\s{2,}".toRegex(), " ")) }
Input String: Use Coding Ground to Compile and Execute Kotlin Codes After removing double whitespaces: Use Coding Ground to Compile and Execute Kotlin Codes