**步骤1:var array [5]int −** 声明一个大小为5,数据类型为int的变量。
**步骤2:array[0] = 45, array[1] = 9, array[2] = 99, array[3] = 900, array[4] = 801 −** 初始化数组的所有索引。
**步骤3:array = sortTheArray(array) −** 使用选择排序对数组进行排序。首先,我们调用函数并传递上面初始化的数组,然后对数组进行排序。
**for i := 0; i < len(array)−1; i++ { } −** 运行一个从0到数组长度-1的for循环。
**min_index := i −** 在每次迭代中创建一个变量来存储剩余元素中最小的数字的索引。
**for j := i + 1; j < len(array); j++ { } −** 运行一个从i+1到数组最后一个索引的内部循环。
**if array[j] < array[min_index] { min_index = j } −** 添加一个if语句来查找剩余元素中的最小元素并将索引存储在min_index中。
**if i != min_index { swap(&array[i], &array[min_index]) } −** 如果在内部循环中min_index的值发生更改,则在此处进行交换。
package main import ( // fmt package provides the function to print anything "fmt" ) func swap(number1, number2 *int) { // swapping both numbers using the third number number3 := *number1 *number1 = *number2 *number2 = number3 } // array is the argument in this function func sortTheArray(array [5]int) [5]int { fmt.Println("Sorting the array using the Selection sort algorithm.") // running a for loop from 0 to 1 less than the array length for i := 0; i < len(array)-1; i++ { // declaring and initializing the variable that will store the index // of minimum element in the remaining element min_index := i // running an inner loop on the elements after ith index for j := i + 1; j < len(array); j++ { // comparing the element with the element at min_index if array[j] < array[min_index] { min_index = j } } // swapping the elements if i and min_index does not matches if i != min_index { swap(&array[i], &array[min_index]) } } return array } func main() { // declaring the array of type string with size 5 var array [5]int // initializing all the index of array array[0] = 45 array[1] = 9 array[2] = 99 array[3] = 900 array[4] = 801 fmt.Println("Golang program to return an array in the function.") fmt.Println("Array elements before sorting.") for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ { fmt.Printf("%d ", array[i]) } fmt.Println() // passing argument in the function and storing the returned // sorted array in the array variable array = sortTheArray(array) fmt.Println("Array elements after sorting.") for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ { fmt.Printf("%d ", array[i]) } fmt.Println() }
Golang program to return an array in the function. Array elements before sorting. 45 9 99 900 801 Sorting the array using the Selection sort algorithm. Array elements after sorting. 9 45 99 801 900