如何在 Python Tkinter 中停止事件传播?
Tkinter 事件在处理小部件的不同对象和属性以及应用程序的元素方面非常强大。例如鼠标事件和键盘按钮事件,可以通过将事件或回调函数绑定到按钮来处理。
我们可以执行诸如按钮单击事件之类的操作来验证用户是否单击了矩形或椭圆。要执行此操作,我们可以使用 **tag_bind(shape, "Button", callback)** 函数,该函数在按钮单击特定形状时触发回调事件。
# Import the required libraries from tkinter import * # Create an instance of tkinter frame or window win = Tk() # Set the size of the window win.geometry("700x350") def oval_mouse_click(event): event.widget.tag_click = True print("You have clicked the oval") def rec_mouse_click(event): event.widget.tag_click=True print("You have clicked the rectangle") def canvas_click(event): if event.widget.tag_click: event.widget.tag_click = False return # Create a canvas widget canvas = Canvas(win) # Create an oval inside the canvas oval = canvas.create_oval(500 / 2 - 10, 400 / 2 - 10, 500 / 2 + 10, 400 / 2 + 10, fill='red') # Create a rectangle inside the canvas rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 0, 100, 50, fill='blue') canvas.tag_bind(oval, "<Button-1>", oval_mouse_click) canvas.tag_bind(rectangle, "<Button-1>", rec_mouse_click) canvas.bind("<Button-1>", canvas_click) canvas.pack() win.mainloop()
You have clicked the oval
You have clicked the rectangle
但是,单击画布时,您将不会收到任何响应,因为我们已设置 **"event.widget.tag_click = False"**。
现在,让我们在所有三个函数中注释掉 **event.widget.tag_click** 部分。代码如下所示:
# Import the required libraries from tkinter import * # Create an instance of tkinter frame or window win = Tk() # Set the size of the window win.geometry("700x350") def oval_mouse_click(event): # event.widget.tag_click = True print("You have clicked the oval") def rec_mouse_click(event): # event.widget.tag_click=True print("You have clicked the rectangle") def canvas_click(event): # if event.widget.tag_click: # event.widget.tag_click = False # return print ("You have clicked the Canvas") # Create a canvas widget canvas = Canvas(win) # Create an oval inside the canvas oval = canvas.create_oval(500 / 2 - 10, 400 / 2 - 10, 500 / 2 + 10, 400 / 2 + 10, fill='red') # Create a rectangle inside the canvas rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 0, 100, 50, fill='blue') canvas.tag_bind(oval, "<Button-1>", oval_mouse_click) canvas.tag_bind(rectangle, "<Button-1>", rec_mouse_click) canvas.bind("<Button-1>", canvas_click) canvas.pack() win.mainloop()
现在,当您单击画布上的某个对象(例如矩形对象)时,它将引发事件并调用 **rec_mouse_click(event)**,但它不会就此停止。它将进一步传播事件并调用 **canvas_click(event)**。因此,您将获得以下输出:
You have clicked the rectangle You have clicked the Canvas