Java 菜单驱动程序,用于检查字符是字符串、数字还是特殊字符
在本文中,我们将了解一个菜单驱动的程序,该程序使用 Java 编程语言 检查输入的字符是数字、字符串还是特殊字符。我们将使用 switch case 实现此应用程序。
示例 1
Suppose the entered character is ‘a’ then the output should be “Entered character is a String”.
示例 2
Suppose the entered character is ‘1’ then the output should be “Entered character is a number”.
示例 3
Suppose the entered character is ‘$’ then the output should be “Entered character is a Special character”.
要检查 Java 中的字符是字符串、数字还是特殊字符,我们可以使用 isLetter、isDigit 或 isWhitespace 函数。字符串由 isLetter 函数检查,数字由 isDigit 函数检查,特殊字符由 isLetter、isDigit 和 isWhitespace 函数的组合检查。
(!Character.isDigit(ob1)&& !Character.isLetter(ob1)&& !Character.isWhitespace(ob1))
步骤 1 - 提示用户输入所需的字符。
步骤 2 - 显示菜单。
步骤 3 - 提示用户输入他们的选择。
步骤 4 - 使用 switch case 跳转到选择并执行操作。
步骤 5 - 打印结果。
import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner sc = new Scanner( ); System.out.println("Enter a character to check if it's a Number, String or a Special character"); char ob1 =; System.out.println("Now choose the operation you want to perform from the menu given below. "); mainLoop: while (true) { Scanner inn = new Scanner( ); System.out.println("\n***Menu***"); System.out.println("1. Check if a character is number"); System.out.println("2. Check if a character is String"); System.out.println("3. Check if a character is Special character"); System.out.println("4. Terminate the program"); System.out.println("Enter action number (1-4): "); int command; if ( inn.hasNextInt() ) { command = inn.nextInt(); inn.nextLine(); } else { System.out.println("\nILLEGAL RESPONSE. YOU MUST ENTER A NUMBER."); inn.nextLine(); continue; } switch(command) { case 1: if (Character.isDigit(ob1)) { System.out.println("Character is a number!"); } else { System.out.println("Character is not a number!"); } break; case 2: if (Character.isLetter(ob1)) { System.out.println("Character is a String!"); } else { System.out.println("Character is not a String!"); } break; case 3: if (!Character.isDigit(ob1) && !Character.isLetter(ob1) && !Character.isWhitespace(ob1)) { System.out.println("Character is a Special Character!"); } else { System.out.println("Character is not a Special Character!"); } break; case 4: System.out.println("Program terminated"); break mainLoop; default: System.out.println("Wrong choice!!"); } } } }
Enter a character to check if it's a Number, String or a Special character t Now choose the operation you want to perform from the menu given below. ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 1 Character is not a number! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 3 Character is not a Special Character! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 2 Character is a String! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): $ ILLEGAL RESPONSE. YOU MUST ENTER A NUMBER. ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 1 Character is not a number! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 3 Character is not a Special Character! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 2 Character is a String! ***Menu*** 1. Check if a character is number 2. Check if a character is String 3. Check if a character is Special character 4. Terminate the program Enter action number (1-4): 4 Program terminated
在本文中,我们探讨了如何使用菜单驱动方法在 Java 中检查字符是字符串、数字还是特殊字符。