使用递归反转句子 Java 程序





以下是相同内容的演示 -


假设我们的输入是 -

Enter the sentence : Have a nice evening


期望的输出将是 -

The reversed input is: gnineve ecin a evaH


Step 1 - START
Step 2 - Declare two string values namely my_input and my_result
Step 3 - Read the required values from the user/ define the values
Step 4 - A recursive function ‘reverseString is defined which takes an string as input and returns the character at the last position.
Step 5 - The function is called recursively until the value of ‘my_input’ is not an empty string.
Step 6 - The recursive function is called and the value ‘my_input’ is passed to it. Store the return value
Step 7 - Display the result
Step 8 - Stop

示例 1

这里,输入是由用户根据提示输入的。您可以在我们的编码环境工具 运行按钮中实时尝试此示例。

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Reverse {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String my_input, my_result;
      System.out.println("Required packages have been imported");
      Scanner my_scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("A reader object has been defined ");
      System.out.print("Enter the sentence : ");
      my_input = my_scanner.nextLine();
      my_result = reverseString(my_input);
      System.out.println("The reversed input is: " + my_result);
   public static String reverseString(String my_input) {
      if (my_input.isEmpty())
        return my_input;
      return reverseString(my_input.substring(1)) + my_input.charAt(0);


Required packages have been imported
A reader object has been defined
Enter the sentence : Have a nice evening
The reversed input is: gnineve ecin a evaH

示例 2


public class Reverse {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String my_input, my_result;
      my_input = "Have a nice evening";
      System.out.println("The string is defined as :" +my_input);
      my_result = reverseString(my_input);
      System.out.println("The reversed input is: " + my_result);
   public static String reverseString(String my_input) {
      if (my_input.isEmpty())
         return my_input;
      return reverseString(my_input.substring(1)) + my_input.charAt(0);


The string is defined as :Have a nice evening
The reversed input is: gnineve ecin a evaH

更新于: 2022年2月22日

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