Node.js – beforeExit 事件

当 Node.js 清空事件循环并且没有其他工作要安排时,将触发 'beforeExit' 事件。当没有安排工作时,Node.js 进程正常退出,但在 'before exit' 事件上注册的侦听器可以执行异步调用,从而导致 Node.js 进程继续。

示例 1

创建一个名为 "beforeExit.js" 的文件,复制以下代码。创建文件后,使用命令 "node beforeExit.js" 运行此代码,如下例所示 −

// process 'beforeExit' Demo Example

// Importing the process module
const process = require('process');

// Calling the 'beforeExit' event
process.on('beforeExit', (code) => {
   console.log('Process beforeExit event with code: ', code);

// Calling the 'exit' event
process.on('exit', (code) => {
   console.log('Process exit event with code: ', code);

// Printing the first message
console.log('Hi... First Message !');


Hi... First Message !
Process beforeExit event with code: 0
Process exit event with code: 0

示例 2


// process 'beforeExit' Demo Example

// Importing the process module
const process = require('process');

// Editing the exit code
process.exitCode = 100;

// Calling the 'beforeExit' event
process.on('beforeExit', (code) => {
   console.log('Process beforeExit event with code: ', code);

// Printing the first message
console.log('Hi... First Message');


Hi... First Message
Process beforeExit event with code: 100

更新日期: 24-11-2021

583 次浏览

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