Node.js – util.inherits() 方法
util.inherits() 方法实质上将方法从一个构造函数继承到另一个。此原型将设置为一个新对象,该对象来自 superConstructor。
通过此方法,我们可以主要在 Object.setPrototypeOf(constructor.prototype, superConstructor.prototype) 的顶部添加一些验证。
util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor)
以下是对这些参数的描述 -
- constructor − 这是输入函数类型,保存用户希望继承的构造函数的原型。
- superConstructor − 这是将用于添加和验证输入验证的函数。
示例 1
创建一个文件 "inherits.js",并复制以下代码段。创建文件后,使用命令 "node inherits.js" 运行此代码。
// util.inherit() example // Importing the util module const util = require('util'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); // Defining the constructor below function Stream() {; } // Inheriting the stream constructor util.inherits(Stream, EventEmitter); // Creating the prototype for the constructor with some data Stream.prototype.write = function(data) { this.emit('data', data); }; // Creating a new stream constructor const stream = new Stream(); // Checking if stream is instanceOf EventEmitter console.log(stream instanceof EventEmitter); // true console.log(Stream.super_ === EventEmitter); // true // Printing the data stream.on('data', (data) => { console.log(`Data Received: "${data}"`); }); // Passing the data in stream stream.write('Its working... Created the constructor prototype!');
ode>> node inherits.js true true Dta Received: "It's working... Created the constructor prototype!"
示例 2
// util.inherits() example // Importing the util & events module const util = require('util'); const { inspect } = require('util'); const emitEvent = require('events'); // Definging the class to emit stream data class streamData extends emitEvent { write(stream_data) { // This will emit the data stream this.emit('stream_data', stream_data); } } // Creating a new instance of the stream const manageStream = new streamData('default'); console.log("1.", inspect(manageStream, false, 0, true)) console.log("2.", streamData) manageStream.on('stream_data', (stream_data) => { // Prints the write statement after streaming console.log("3.", `Data Stream Received: "${stream_data}"`); }); // Write on console manageStream.write('Inheriting the constructor & checking from superConstructor');
ode>> node inherits.js 1. streamData { _events: [Object: null prototype] {}, _eventsCount: 0, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false } 2. [class streamData extends EventEmitter] 3. Data Stream Received: "Inheriting the constructor & checking from superConstructor"