
If \( h=10 \mathrm{cm}, c=6 \mathrm{cm}, b=12 \mathrm{cm}, d=4 \mathrm{cm}, \) find the values of each of its parts separately and add to find the area WXYZ. Verify it by putting the values of \( h, a \) and \( b \) in the expression \( \frac{h(a+b)}{2} \).

Given : In the above figure, h=10cm,c=6cm,b=12cm,d=4cm

To do : Find area of Trapezium using two different methods.

By dividing the trapezium into separate parts:

Area of trapezium WXYZ = Area of triangle with base'c'+area of rectangle +area of triangle with base 'd'





By using the given expression:

Here a = b + c + d

= 12 + 6 + 4

=22 cm

Area of WXYZ as per the expression h(a+b)2





From both methods, we got same answer. Hence, verified

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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