请分享 JSP 中会话维护的一个工作示例。
本示例说明如何使用 HttpSession 对象查找会话的创建时间和最后访问时间。如果不存在会话,我们将关联一个新会话和请求。
<%@ page import = "java.io.*,java.util.*" %> <% // Get session creation time. Date createTime = new Date(session.getCreationTime()); // Get last access time of this Webpage. Date lastAccessTime = new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime()); String title = "Welcome Back to my website"; Integer visitCount = new Integer(0); String visitCountKey = new String("visitCount"); String userIDKey = new String("userID"); String userID = new String("ABCD"); // Check if this is new comer on your Webpage. if (session.isNew() ) { title = "Welcome to my website"; session.setAttribute(userIDKey, userID); session.setAttribute(visitCountKey, visitCount); } visitCount = (Integer)session.getAttribute(visitCountKey); visitCount = visitCount + 1; userID = (String)session.getAttribute(userIDKey); session.setAttribute(visitCountKey, visitCount); %> <html> <head> <title>Session Tracking</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Session Tracking</h1> </center> <table border = "1" align = "center"> <tr bgcolor = "#949494"> <th>Session info</th> <th>Value</th> </tr> <tr> <td>id</td> <td><% out.print( session.getId()); %></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Creation Time</td> <td><% out.print(createTime); %></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Time of Last Access</td> <td><% out.print(lastAccessTime); %></td> </tr> <tr> <td>User ID</td> <td><% out.print(userID); %></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Number of visits</td> <td><% out.print(visitCount); %></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
现在将以上代码放入main.jsp并尝试访问https://。运行网址后,您将收到以下结果 -
会话信息 | 值 |
ID | 0AE3EC93FF44E3C525B4351B77ABB2D5 |
创建时间 | 2010年6月8日星期二下午5:26:40 GMT+04:00 |
上次访问时间 | 2010年6月8日星期二下午5:26:40 GMT+04:00 |
用户 ID | ABCD |
访问次数 | 0 |