C++ 中复数的 polar() 函数
复数的 polar 函数用于返回复数。
polar() 函数在 c++ 的 complex 头文件中定义。它获取复数的幅度角和相位角,并使用这些值生成一个复数。
polar(mag, phase);
参数 - 它接受两个值作为参数,即要生成的复数的相位和幅度。
返回值 - 函数返回一个复数。
polar(0.2, 0.5) -> (0.175517,0.0958851)
#include<iostream> #include>complex.h> using namespace std; int main () { cout<<"\t\tRUN 1\n"; cout<<"Complex number with magnitude: 5.2 and phase angle: 1.6 is "; cout<<polar(5.2,1.6)<<endl; cout<<"\t\tRUN 2\n"; cout<<"Complex number with magnitude: 0.5 and phase angle: 0.2 is "; cout<<polar(0.5,0.2)<<endl; cout<<"\t\tRUN 3\n"; cout<<"Complex number with magnitude: 0.2 and phase angle: 0.5 is "; cout<<polar(0.2,0.5)<<endl; return 0; }
RUN 1 Complex number with magnitude: 5.2 and phase angle: 1.6 is (-0.151838,5.19778) RUN 2 Complex number with magnitude: 0.5 and phase angle: 0.2 is (0.490033,0.0993347) RUN 3 Complex number with magnitude: 0.2 and phase angle: 0.5 is (0.175517,0.0958851)