使用 C 语言迭代方法打印链表的后 k 个节点(逆序)
我们需要以逆序打印链表中的 k 个节点。我们需要使用迭代方法来解决这个问题。
迭代方法通常使用循环,这些循环在条件为 1 或 true 时执行。
假设列表包含节点 29、34、43、56 和 88,并且 k 的值为 2,则输出将是交替的节点,直到 k,例如 56 和 88。
Linked List: 29->34->43->56->88 Input: 2 Output: 56 88
由于我们需要从列表中删除最后 k 个元素,因此最好的方法是使用栈数据结构,其中元素会被压入栈中,从而创建列表,栈的起始元素是列表的最后一个元素,并且它们会从栈中弹出,直到第 k 次,从而给出链表的最后一个节点。
以下代码展示了给定算法的 C 实现。
START Step 1 -> create node variable of type structure Declare int data Declare pointer of type node using *next Step 2 -> create struct node* intoList(int data) Create newnode using malloc Set newnode->data = data newnode->next = NULL return newnode step 3 -> Declare function void rev(struct node* head,int count, int k) create struct node* temp1 = head Loop While(temp1 != NULL) count++ temp1 = temp1->next end Declare int array[count], temp2 = count,i Set temp1 = head Loop While(temp1 != NULL) Set array[--temp2] = temp1->data Set temp1 = temp1->next End Loop For i = 0 and i < k and i++ Print array[i] End Step 4 -> In Main() Create list using struct node* head = intoList(9) Set k=3 and count=0 Call rev(head,count,k) STOP
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> // Structure of a node struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; //functon for inserting a new node struct node* intoList(int data) { struct node* newnode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newnode->data = data; newnode->next = NULL; return newnode; } // Function to reversely printing the elements of a node void rev(struct node* head,int count, int k) { struct node* temp1 = head; while(temp1 != NULL) { count++; temp1 = temp1->next; } int array[count], temp2 = count,i; temp1 = head; while(temp1 != NULL) { array[--temp2] = temp1->data; temp1 = temp1->next; } for(i = 0; i < k; i++) printf("%d ",array[i]); } int main() { printf("
reverse of a list is : "); struct node* head = intoList(9); //inserting elements into a list head->next = intoList(76); head->next->next = intoList(13); head->next->next->next = intoList(24); head->next->next->next->next = intoList(55); head->next->next->next->next->next = intoList(109); int k = 3, count = 0; rev(head, count, k); //calling function to print reversely return 0; }
reverse of a list is : 109 55 24