使用 C++ 打印空心金字塔和菱形图案的程序
在此,我们将介绍如何使用 C++ 生成空心金字塔和菱形图案。我们可以非常轻松地生成实心金字塔图案。想要使其变为空心,我们需要添加一些技巧。
金字塔的第一行会打印一颗星星,最后一行将打印 n 颗星星。其他行的开头和结尾只会打印两颗星,这两颗星之间会留有一些空格。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n, i, j; cout << "Enter number of lines: "; cin >> n; for(i = 1; i<=n; i++) { for(j = 1; j<=(n-i); j++) { //print the blank spaces before star cout << " "; } if(i == 1 || i == n) { //for the first and last line, print the stars continuously for(j = 1; j<=i; j++) { cout << "* "; } }else{ cout << "*"; //in each line star at start and end position for(j = 1; j<=2*i-3; j++) { //print space to make hollow cout << " "; } cout << "*"; } cout << endl; } }
菱形的第一行和最后一行会打印一颗星星。其他行的开头和结尾只会打印两颗星,这两颗星之间会留有一些空格。菱形有两部分。上半部分和下半部分。上半部分我们需要增加空格计数,下半部分我们需要减少空格计数。此处可以使用称为 mid 的另一个变量将行号分成两部分。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n, i, j, mid; cout << "Enter number of lines: "; cin >> n; if(n %2 == 1) { //when n is odd, increase it by 1 to make it even n++; } mid = (n/2); for(i = 1; i<= mid; i++) { for(j = 1; j<=(mid-i); j++) { //print the blank spaces before star cout << " "; } if(i == 1) { cout << "*"; }else{ cout << "*"; //in each line star at start and end position for(j = 1; j<=2*i-3; j++) { //print space to make hollow cout << " "; } cout << "*"; } cout << endl; } for(i = mid+1; i<n; i++) { for(j = 1; j<=i-mid; j++) { //print the blank spaces before star cout << " "; } if(i == n-1) { cout << "*"; }else{ cout << "*"; //in each line star at start and end position for(j = 1; j<=2*(n - i)-3; j++) { //print space to make hollow cout << " "; } cout << "*"; } cout << endl; } }