Python Pandas - 查找给定 Period 对象的结束时间

若要查找给定 Period 对象的结束时间,请使用 period.end_time 属性。

首先,导入所需的库 -

import pandas as pd

导入 Pandas 库,创建两个 Period 对象 -

period1 = pd.Period("2020-09-23 03:55:20")
period2 = pd.Period(freq="T", year = 2021, month = 2, day = 14, hour = 2, minute = 35)

显示 Period 对象 -

print("Period1...\n", period1)
print("Period2...\n", period2)

从两个 Period 对象获取结束时间 -

res1 = period1.end_time
res2 = period2.end_time


以下是代码 -

import pandas as pd

# The pandas.Period represents a period of time
# creating two Period objects
period1 = pd.Period("2020-09-23 03:55:20")
period2 = pd.Period(freq="T", year = 2021, month = 2, day = 14, hour = 2, minute = 35)

# display the Period objects
print("Period1...\n", period1)
print("Period2...\n", period2)

# get the end time from two Period objects
res1 = period1.end_time
res2 = period2.end_time

# Return the end time from two Period objects
print("\nDisplay the end time from the 1st Period object ...\n", res1)
print("\nDisplay the end time from the 2nd Period object ...\n", res2)


这将生成以下代码 -

2020-09-23 03:55:20

2021-02-14 02:35

Display the end time from the 1st Period object ...
2020-09-23 03:55:20.999999999

Display the end time from the 2nd Period object ...
2021-02-14 02:35:59.999999999

更新日期: 2021 年 10 月 14 日

173 次浏览​​

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