Python 程序检查数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数
在 Python 中,一个用方括号括起来的逗号分隔值(项)数组(列表)是 Python 中最灵活的数据类型之一。列表的元素不必是相同类型这一事实非常重要。
在本文中,我们将学习一个 Python 程序来检查由数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数。
使用 map() 和 join() 函数
使用 str()、list()、extend()、join() 和 reverse() 函数
inputList = [3, 25, 42, 24, 52, 3]
Yes, it is a Palindrome
使用 map() 和 join() 函数
**str() 函数**(返回对象的字符串格式,即转换为字符串)
**join()** - join() 是 Python 中的一个字符串函数,用于连接由字符串分隔符分隔的序列元素。此函数连接序列元素以转换为字符串。
**list() 函数**(将序列/可迭代对象转换为列表)。
**map() 函数** - 将任何函数映射到迭代器/列表上。
以下程序使用 map() 和 join() 函数检查由数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数 -
# creating a function to check whether the string passed to it # is a palindrome or not def checkingPalindrome(inputString): # reversing the input string reverseStr = inputString[::-1] # checking whether the input string is equal to its reverse string if(inputString == reverseStr): # returning True if the condition is true return True else: # else returning False return False # creating a function to convert the input list into a string # by accepting the input list as an argument to it. def joiningList(inputList): # converting all the input list elements into a string inputList = list(map(str, inputList)) # converting the input list to a string using the join() function resultNum = ''.join(inputList) # checking whether the above-converted string number is a palindrome # by calling the above defined checkingPalindrome() function if(checkingPalindrome(resultNum)): # returning True if the function returns True return True else: # else returning False return False # main code # input list inputList = [3, 25, 42, 24, 52, 3] # Calling the above defined joiningList() function by passing input list to it # and checking whether the function returns True/False if(joiningList(inputList)): # printing Palindrome if the joiningList() fuction returns True print("Yes, it is a Palindrome") else: # else printing NOT a Palindrome print("No, it is NOT a Palindrome")
执行上述程序后,将生成以下输出 -
Yes, it is a Palindrome
以下程序使用类型转换和字符串连接检查由数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数 -
# creating a function to check whether the string passed to is # palindrome or not def checkingPalindrome(inputString): # reversing the input string reverseStr = inputString[::-1] # checking whether the input string is equal to its reverse string if(inputString == reverseStr): # returning True if the condition is true return True else: # else returning False return False # creating a function to convert the input list into a string # by accepting the input list as an argument to it. def joiningList(inputList): # Creating an empty string for storing list elements as a number resultNum = "" # travsering through the input list for e in inputList: # converting each element of list into a string e = str(e) # adding the string element to the resultNum resultNum = resultNum + e # checking whether the above-converted string number is a palindrome # by calling the above defined checkingPalindrome() function if(checkingPalindrome(resultNum)): # returning True if the function returns True return True else: # else returning False return False # input list inputList = [3, 25, 42, 24, 52, 3] # Calling the above defined joiningList() function by passing input list to it # and checking whether the function returns True/False if(joiningList(inputList)): # printing Palindrome if the joiningList() fuction returns True print("Yes, it is a Palindrome") else: # else printing NOT a Palindrome print("No, it is NOT a Palindrome")
执行上述程序后,将生成以下输出 -
Yes, it is a Palindrome
使用 str()、list()、extend()、join() 和 reverse() 函数
**extend() 函数**(将可迭代对象(如列表、元组、字符串等)的所有元素添加到列表的末尾)
**reverse() 函数** - 一个内置函数,用于反转列表对象。它只是改变原始列表,而不是占用额外的空间。
以下程序使用类型转换和字符串连接检查由数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数 -
# input list inputList = [3, 25, 42, 24, 52, 3] # an empty string for storing list elements as a number resultantStr = "" # travsering through the input list for e in inputList: # converting each element of the list as a string and adding it to the result string resultantStr += str(e) # converting the result string into a list newList = list(resultantStr) # empty list k = [] # extending the new list to the above empty list k.extend(newList) # reversing the new list newList.reverse() # checking whether the new list is equal to the extended list if(newList == k): # printing Palindrome if the condition is True print("Yes, it is a Palindrome") else: # Else printing NOT a Palindrome print("No, it is NOT a Palindrome")
执行上述程序后,将生成以下输出 -
Yes, it is a Palindrome
在本文中,我们学习了如何使用三种不同的方法检查由数组所有元素组合形成的数字是否为回文数。我们还学习了如何使用 map() 方法将函数应用于列表中的每个元素。最后,我们使用 extend() 函数学习了如何组合两个列表。