Python 程序来统计给定字符串中的单词数?

假设我们有一个“字符串”和一个“单词”,我们需要使用 python 在字符串中查找该单词出现的次数。这就是我们本节将要做的工作,统计给定字符串中的单词数并打印出来。


方法 1:使用 for 循环

#方法 1:使用 for 循环

test_stirng = input("String to search is : ")
total = 1

for i in range(len(test_stirng)):
   if(test_stirng[i] == ' ' or test_stirng == '\n' or test_stirng == '\t'):
      total = total + 1

print("Total Number of Words in our input string is: ", total)


String to search is : Python is a high level language. Python is interpreted language. Python is general-purpose programming language
Total Number of Words in our input string is: 16

#方法 2:使用 while 循环

test_stirng = input("String to search is : ")
total = 1
i = 0
while(i < len(test_stirng)):
   if(test_stirng[i] == ' ' or test_stirng == '\n' or test_stirng == '\t'):
      total = total + 1
   i +=1

print("Total Number of Words in our input string is: ", total)


String to search is : Python is a high level language. Python is interpreted language. Python is general-purpose programming language
Total Number of Words in our input string is: 16

#方法 3:使用函数

def Count_words(test_string):
   word_count = 1
   for i in range(len(test_string)):
      if(test_string[i] == ' ' or test_string == '\n' or test_string == '\t'):
         word_count += 1
   return word_count
test_string = input("String to search is :")
total = Count_words(test_string)
print("Total Number of Words in our input string is: ", total)


String to search is :Python is a high level language. Python is interpreted language. Python is general-purpose programming language
Total Number of Words in our input string is: 16



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