给定一个包含 N 个链表的数组,这些链表代表 N 台不同的机器。每个链表包含一些数量可变的数字,这些数字按升序排列。任务是按升序返回存储在这些 N 台机器上的所有数字。
示例 1
Machine 1: 1, 4, 10 Machine 2: 2, 7, 8, 9
1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
机器中的最小数字是 1,然后是下一个最大的数字。最后,我们得到 10 作为最大数字。
示例 2
Machine 1: 1, 5 Machine 2: 2, 7, 8, 9 Machine 3: 3, 4, 12 Machine 4: 0, 6, 15
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15
机器中的最小数字是 0,然后是下一个最大的数字。最后,我们得到 15 作为最大数字。
define a structure named node: data: integer next: node pointer define a structure named compare: define a function operator() that takes two node pointers a and b: return a->data > b->data define a function named new_node that takes an integer data: node = create a new node node.data = data node.next = null return node define a function named push that takes a node pointer head and an integer data: if head is null: head = new_node(data) else: node = new_node(data) node.next = head head = node define a function named sort_on_diff_machines that takes an array of node pointers arr and an integer N: create a vector of node pointers named lists from arr[0] to arr[N-1] ptr = new_node(0) q = ptr create a priority queue named min_heap with compare comparator for each node pointer list in lists: if list is not null: push list into min_heap while min_heap is not empty: node = pop the top node from min_heap connect q's next to node q = q's next if node's next is not null: push node's next into min_heap res = ptr's next while res is not null: print res's data move res to res's next
示例:C++ 实现
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> using namespace std; // Structure of node of linked list struct Node { int data; Node *next; }; // Comparator used by priority queue struct Compare { bool operator()(const Node *a, const Node *b) { return a->data > b->data; } }; // Helper function to create a new node in linked list Node *newNode(int data) { Node *node = new Node; node->data = data; node->next = nullptr; return node; } // Helper function to create array of linked list by adding numbers void push(Node **head, int data) { if (*head == nullptr) { *head = newNode(data); } else { Node *node = newNode(data); node->next = *head; *head = node; } } // Function to sort number son various machines void sortOnDiffMachines(Node *arr[], int N) { vector<Node *> lists(arr, arr + N); Node *ptr = newNode(0); Node *q = ptr; priority_queue<Node *, vector<Node *>, Compare> minHeap; for (Node *list : lists) { if (list != nullptr) { minHeap.push(list); } } while (!minHeap.empty()) { Node *node = minHeap.top(); minHeap.pop(); q->next = node; q = q->next; if (node->next != nullptr) { minHeap.push(node->next); } } Node *res = ptr->next; while (res != nullptr) { cout << res->data << " "; res = res->next; } } int main() { int N = 2; Node *arr[N]; arr[0] = nullptr; push(&arr[0], 10); push(&arr[0], 4); push(&arr[0], 1); arr[1] = nullptr; push(&arr[1], 9); push(&arr[1], 8); push(&arr[1], 7); push(&arr[1], 2); sortOnDiffMachines(arr, N); return 0; }
1 2 4 7 8 9 10
时间复杂度 - O(N * logN),其中 N 是机器的数量。
空间复杂度 - O(N)
总之,给定的解决方案有效地解决了对存储在不同机器上的数字进行排序的问题。通过使用各种数据结构,如链表和优先级队列,该解决方案合并了不同的列表并对它们进行排序。提供的解决方案提供了 O(N * logN) 的时间复杂度和 O(N) 的空间复杂度。