在Swift中,字符串中所有字符的频率是指字符在一个给定字符串中重复出现的次数。例如,“Swift tutorial”,其中“t”在给定字符串中重复出现3次,“i”重复出现2次。因此,在本文中,我们将找到字符串中所有字符的频率。
步骤1 − 创建一个变量来存储字符串。
步骤2 − 创建一个字典来存储字符及其计数。
步骤3 − 运行for循环来迭代输入字符串中的每个字符。
步骤4 − 现在我们检查当前字符是否出现超过1次,如果是,则每次出现时计数增加1。
步骤5 − 如果不是,则将当前字符存储到字典中,计数为1。
步骤6 − 再次运行for-in循环来显示字符及其在字符串中的总出现次数。
import Foundation import Glibc let EnteredString = "This is Swift Tutorial" print("Input String is: ", EnteredString) var charCount = [Character:Int]() for C in EnteredString { if let size = charCount[C]{ charCount[C] = size+1 } else { charCount[C] = 1 } } for (C, size) in charCount { print("Character:\(C) occurs \(size) times in the given string") }
Input String is: This is Swift Tutorial Character:S occurs 1 times in the given string Character:a occurs 1 times in the given string Character:l occurs 1 times in the given string Character:w occurs 1 times in the given string Character:i occurs 4 times in the given string Character:T occurs 2 times in the given string Character:o occurs 1 times in the given string Character:u occurs 1 times in the given string Character:t occurs 2 times in the given string Character:f occurs 1 times in the given string Character:r occurs 1 times in the given string Character:s occurs 2 times in the given string Character:h occurs 1 times in the given string Character: occurs 3 times in the given string