C++ 中的模板特化
在 C++ 中,模板用于创建泛型函数和类。因此,我们可以使用任何类型的数据,例如 int、char、float,或一些用户定义的数据以及使用模板。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> void my_function(T x) { cout << "This is generalized template: The given value is: " << x << endl; } template<> void my_function(char x) { cout << "This is specialized template (Only for characters): The given value is: " << x << endl; } main() { my_function(10); my_function(25.36); my_function('F'); my_function("Hello"); }
This is generalized template: The given value is: 10 This is generalized template: The given value is: 25.36 This is specialized template (Only for characters): The given value is: F This is generalized template: The given value is: Hello
#include<iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> class MyClass { public: MyClass() { cout << "This is constructor of generalized class " << endl; } }; template<> class MyClass <char>{ public: MyClass() { cout << "This is constructor of specialized class (Only for characters)" << endl; } }; main() { MyClass<int> ob_int; MyClass<float> ob_float; MyClass<char> ob_char; MyClass<string> ob_string; }
This is constructor of generalized class This is constructor of generalized class This is constructor of specialized class (Only for characters) This is constructor of generalized class