




"FEFEE", "EFF", "HGG", "AD", "HHH"

说明 − 在这个例子中,我们可以看到,通过连接形成的字符串的最大长度,其每个字符的出现频率为偶数的是“FEFEEEFFHGGHHH”,得到的字符串长度为14。因此,‘14’是最终输出。

  • F的频率− 4

  • E的频率− 4

  • H的频率− 4

  • G的频率− 2


"ABCD", "AVP", "ADDDC", "BCCCA", "HH", "CA"



说明 − 在这个例子中,我们可以看到,通过连接形成的字符串的最大长度,其每个字符的出现频率为偶数的是“ABCDADDDCBCCCAHHCA”,得到的字符串长度为18。因此,‘18’是最终输出。

  • A的频率:4

  • B的频率:2

  • C的频率:6

  • D的频率:4

  • H的频率:2





  • 创建一个递归函数,其基本情况是当索引等于数组的大小时,函数将返回。现在,在这个函数中,我们将考虑两种情况,在第一种情况下,我们将不包含当前字符串并进行递归调用。

  • 而在第二种情况下,我们将包含它,然后使用另一个函数(CheckValid)检查当前输出字符串是否满足要求,即它是否具有每个字符的偶数频率。

  • 如果满足条件,我们将存储该字符串的长度(如果它大于之前的长度)。

  • 接下来,我们将进行另一个递归调用,在这个调用中我们将包含当前字符串。

  • 这样,我们将得到最终的输出大小。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// Function to check whether the string has an even frequency of each character or not
bool CheckValid(const char *str){
   // Declare a frequency array that would work like a map to store the count of each alphabet
   int mapArray[26] = { 0 };
   // Store the frequency of each alphabet, we will take uppercase English alphabets only in our string
   for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) {
      mapArray[str[i] - 'A']++;
   // Check if the frequency of any alphabet is odd, if yes return false
   for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
      if (mapArray[i] % 2 == 1) {
         return false;
   // If we have all our alphabets in even count, we can return true
   return true;
// Function to find the maximum length of a string having an even frequency of each character formed by concatenation
void FindMaxLength(const char *array[], int i, int size, const char *s, int* maxi){
   // Check if we have taken all strings from our array that is check the base case
   if (i == size) {
   // Do not Include the string
   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi);
   // Include the string
   char combined[100]; // Choose a reasonable maximum length for your combined string
   strcpy(combined, s);
   strcat(combined, array[i]);

   if (CheckValid(combined)) {
      int currentLength = strlen(combined);
      if (currentLength > *maxi) {
         *maxi = currentLength;

   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, combined, maxi);
int main(){
   // Size of the string provided by the user
   int size = 5;
   // String provided by the user
   const char* array[5] = { "FEFEE", "EFF", "HGG", "AD", "HHH" };
   // Declare a variable to store the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having even frequency of each character
   int maxi = 0;
   // Call the function to find the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character
   FindMaxLength(array, 0, size, "", &maxi);
   // Print the final output
   printf("The maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: %d", maxi);
   return 0;


The maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: 14
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check whether the string has an even frequency of each character or not
bool CheckValid(string str){
   // Declare a frequency array that would work like a map to store the count of each alphabet
   int mapArray[26] = { 0 };
   // Store the frequency of each alphabet, we will take uppercase English alphabets only in our string
   for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
      mapArray[str[i] - 'A']++;
   // Check if the frequency of any alphabet is odd, if yes return false
   for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
      if (mapArray[i] % 2 == 1) {
         return false;
   // If we have all our alphabets in even count, we can return true
   return true;
// Function to find the maximum length of a string having an even frequency of each character formed by concatenation
void FindMaxLength(string array[], int i, int size, string s, int& maxi){
   // Check if we have taken all strings from our array that is check the base case
   if (i == size) {
   // Do not Include the string
   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi);
   // Include the string
   s += array[i];
   // Check if the string collected is giving us a string with all character counts as even, constituted in it
   if(CheckValid(s)) {
      // Store the maximum of the previous and current length
      if(s.length() > maxi) {
         maxi = s.length();
   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi);
int main(){
   // Size of the string provided by the user
   int size = 5;
   // String provided by the user
   string array[5] = { "FEFEE", "EFF", "HGG", "AD", "HHH" };
   // Declare a variable to store the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having even frequency of each character
   int maxi = 0;
   // Call the function to find the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character
   FindMaxLength(array, 0, size, "", maxi);
   // Print the final output
   cout << "The maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: "<< maxi <<endl;
   return 0;


The maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: 14
public class Main {
   public static boolean CheckValid(String str) {
      // Declare a frequency array that would work like a map to store the count of each alphabet
      int[] mapArray = new int[26];
      // Store the frequency of each alphabet, we will take uppercase English alphabets only in our string
      for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
         mapArray[str.charAt(i) - 'A']++;
      // Check if the frequency of any alphabet is odd, if yes return false
      for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
         if (mapArray[i] % 2 == 1) {
            return false;
      // If we have all our alphabets in even count, we can return true
      return true;
   //Function to find the maximum length of a string having an even frequency of each character formed by concatenation
   public static void FindMaxLength(String[] array, int i, int size, String s, int[] maxi) {
      // Check if we have taken all strings from our array that is check the base case
      if (i == size) {
      FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi);

      s += array[i];

      if (CheckValid(s)) {
         int currentLength = s.length();
         // Store the maximum of the previous and current length
         if (currentLength > maxi[0]) {
            maxi[0] = currentLength;

      FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int size = 5;
      String[] array = { "FEFEE", "EFF", "HGG", "AD", "HHH" };
      int[] maxi = { 0 };

      FindMaxLength(array, 0, size, "", maxi);

      System.out.println("The maximum length of a string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: " + maxi[0]);


The maximum length of a string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: 14
# Function to check whether the string has an even frequency of each character or not
def CheckValid(s):
   # Declare a frequency array that would work like a map to store the count of each alphabet
   mapArray = [0] * 26
   # Store the frequency of each alphabet; we will take uppercase English alphabets only in our string
   for char in s:
      if 'A' <= char <= 'Z':
         mapArray[ord(char) - ord('A')] += 1

   # Check if the frequency of any alphabet is odd; if yes, return False
   for count in mapArray:
      if count % 2 == 1:
         return False

   # If we have all our alphabets in even count, we can return True
   return True

# Function to find the maximum length of a string having an even frequency of each character formed by concatenation
def FindMaxLength(array, i, size, s, maxi):
   # Check if we have taken all strings from our array, that is, check the base case
   if i == size:
   # Do not include the string
   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi)
   # Include the string
   s += array[i]
   # Check if the string collected is giving us a string with all character counts as even, constituted in it
   if CheckValid(s):
      # Store the maximum of the previous and current length
      if len(s) > maxi[0]:
         maxi[0] = len(s)
   FindMaxLength(array, i + 1, size, s, maxi)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   size = 5
   # String provided by the user
   array = ["FEFEE", "EFF", "HGG", "AD", "HHH"]
   # Declare a variable to store the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having even frequency of each character
   maxi = [0]
   # Call the function to find the maximum length of string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character
   FindMaxLength(array, 0, size, "", maxi)
   # Print the final output
   print("The maximum length of a string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is:", maxi[0])


The maximum length of a string formed by concatenation having an even frequency of each character is: 14


  • 时间复杂度 − O(n * m * (2^n));其中‘n’是数组的长度,即给定字符串的总数,‘m’是数组中出现的最长字符串的长度。每个字符串将在递归调用中执行两次,使得递归函数的时间复杂度为‘2^n’,而CheckValid函数将花费与由连接形成的最长字符串的大小成正比的时间,这可能高达(n * m),即当我们将给定数组中包含的每个字符串都包含在最终答案中的情况。

  • 空间复杂度 − O(1);我们在上面的代码中没有在任何数据结构中存储任何变量。



更新于: 2024年2月5日

74 次浏览


