PyTorch 中的 torch.rsqrt() 方法

torch.rsqrt() 方法计算每个输入张量元素的平方根倒数。它支持实值和复值输入。如果输入张量中的元素为零,则输出张量中的对应元素为 NaN。




  • input – 输入张量




  • 导入所需的库。在以下所有示例中,所需的 Python 库为 torch。确保已安装该库。

import torch
  • 创建一个 torch 张量并打印它。

input = torch.randn(3,4)
print("Input Tensor:
", input)
  • 使用 torch.rsqrt(input) 计算输入张量中每个元素的平方根倒数。其中 input 为输入张量。

recip = torch.rsqrt(input)
  • 显示具有倒数的计算张量。

print("Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
", recip)

示例 1

在这个 Python 程序中,我们计算实值和复值输入张量的平方根倒数。

# Import the required library
import torch

# define an input tensor
input = torch.tensor([1.2, 3., 4., 4.2, -3.2])

# print the above defined tensor
print("Input Tensor:
", input) # compute the reciprocal of the square root recip = torch.rsqrt(input) # print the above computed tensor print("Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
", recip) print("............................") # define a complex input tensor input = torch.tensor([1.2+2j, 3.+4.j, 4.2-3.2j]) # print the above defined tensor print("Input Tensor:
", input) # compute the reciprocal of the square root recip = torch.rsqrt(input) # print the above computed tensor print("Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
", recip)


Input Tensor:
   tensor([ 1.2000, 3.0000, 4.0000, 4.2000, -3.2000])
Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
   tensor([0.9129, 0.5774, 0.5000, 0.4880, nan])
Input Tensor:
   tensor([1.2000+2.0000j, 3.0000+4.0000j, 4.2000-3.2000j])
Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
   tensor([0.5698-0.3226j, 0.4000-0.2000j, 0.4123+0.1392j])

请注意,输入张量中对应于零的倒数平方根张量元素为 NaN。

示例 2

# Import the required library
import torch

# define an input tensor
input = torch.randn(3,4)

# print the above defined tensor
print("Input Tensor:
", input) # compute the reciprocal of the square root recip = torch.rsqrt(input) # print the above computed tensor print("Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
", recip) print("......................................") # define a complex input tensor real = torch.randn(3,3) imag = torch.randn(3,3) input = torch.complex(real, imag) # print the above defined tensor print("Input Tensor:
", input) # compute the reciprocal of the square root recip = torch.rsqrt(input) # print the above computed tensor print("Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
", recip)


Input Tensor:
   tensor([[ 7.4712e-01, -1.5884e+00, -9.7091e-01, -2.9538e-01],
      [ 2.0326e-01, 1.6650e+00, -3.1351e-01, 1.1758e-03],
      [ 1.6752e+00, 7.2334e-01, -7.4212e-01, 3.6498e-01]])
Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
   tensor([[ 1.1569, nan, nan, nan],
      [ 2.2181, 0.7750, nan, 29.1634],
      [ 0.7726, 1.1758, nan, 1.6553]])
Input Tensor:
   tensor([[ 1.3595+0.1929j, -0.3348+0.0729j, 2.0567-1.1657j],
      [ 0.9777-1.4377j, -0.0728+0.7813j, 0.9582+1.3582j],
      [-0.5014+0.7377j, -0.5462-0.9864j, 1.1664-0.5318j]])
Reciprocal SQRT Tensor:
   tensor([[0.8513-0.0601j, 0.1827-1.6986j, 0.6289+0.1658j],
      [0.6703+0.3548j, 0.7603-0.8344j, 0.6886-0.3569j],
      [0.4954-0.9358j, 0.4782+0.8113j, 0.8631+0.1875j]])

更新时间: 2022-01-27

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