我们可以使用 COUNT(*) 和 GROUP BY 子句来查找列中值的重复次数。以下是一个例子,在 ‘Student’ 表的 ‘Name’ 列上使用 COUNT(*) 和 GROUP BY 子句来演示它: mysql> select count(*), name from student group by name; +----------+---------+| | count(*) | name | +----------+---------+| | 1 | Aarav | | 2 | Gaurav | | 1 | Harshit | +----------+---------+| 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) 上述查询的结果集显示了哪些值是重复的…… 阅读更多
如果要在 SELECT 查询中将聚合函数与非分组字段一起使用,则必须使用 GROUP BY 子句。通用语法如下: 语法 SELECT group_function1, …, non-group-column1, … from table_name GROUP BY column_name; 例子 mysql> Select COUNT(*), id from Student GROUP BY id; …… 阅读更多
众所周知,MySQL中TIME字段的取值范围是‘-838:59:59’到‘838:59:59’。现在,如果TIMEDIFF()函数的输出超过此范围,则MySQL将返回‘-838:59:59’或‘838:59:59’,具体取决于参数的值。示例 mysql> Select TIMEDIFF('2017-09-01 03:05:45', '2017-10-22 03:05:45')AS 'Out of Range TIME Difference'; +------------------------------+ | Out of Range TIME Difference | +------------------------------+ | -838:59:59 | +------------------------------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> Select TIMEDIFF('2017-10-22 04:05:45', '2017-09-01 03:05:45')AS 'Out of Range ... 阅读更多