循环轮询调度算法用于 CPU 调度,我们给定 M 个服务器和 N 个请求。每个请求都有一个到达时间和处理时间。我们必须使用循环轮询调度算法找到每个服务器上的负载,为此我们将使用优先级队列和集合在 C++ 编程语言中实现一个程序。
int arrival_time[] = { 1, 2, 4, 6 }; int process_time[] = { 6, 1, 2, 2 }; int servers = 2;
1 Server has load of: 1 2 Server has load of: 3
第一个负载将获得第一个请求,并在第 7 个单位结束,在此之前,第二个服务器将获得在第 2、第 4 和第 6 秒到达的所有请求。
我们将使用 for 循环遍历请求,并在每次迭代中,我们将使用 while 循环删除所有现在空闲的服务器。
否则,我们将查找服务器 i % totalServer,如果它不存在,我们将获得第一个空闲的服务器。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // function to get and print of each given server void printLoad(int size, int load[]){ // traversing over the array to get the loads for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cout << i + 1 << " Server has load of: " << load[i] << endl; } } // function to get the load which is on each server void getLoad(int reqSize, int arrival_time[], int process_time[], int serversSize){ // array to store the load on each server int load[serversSize]; // initialse it with 0 memset(load, 0, sizeof(load)); // creating priority queue to get the busy servers using the minimum version because we need the one which release early priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, greater<pair<int, int> > >busy_servers; // defining set to get the data of the servers which are available set<int> available_servers; // initially all the servers are free so we are going to add them to set for(int i = 0; i < serversSize; i++){ available_servers.insert(i); } // going through all the requests using the for loop for(int i = 0; i < reqSize; i++){ // end time will be the sum of both arriaval time and process time int end_time = arrival_time[i] + process_time[i]; // remove all the servers that are not busy from the priority queue while (busy_servers.empty() == false and busy_servers.top().first <= arrival_time[i]){ // release the server pair<int, int> cur = busy_servers.top(); busy_servers.pop(); // insert released server to available server available_servers.insert(cur.second); } // if all the severs are busy, current request is ignored if(available_servers.empty() == true){ continue; } int demanded_server = i % serversSize; // search the demanded server auto itrator = available_servers.lower_bound(demanded_server); if(itrator == available_servers.end()){ // if demanded server is busy then choose the first free server itrator = available_servers.begin(); } int assigned_server = *itrator; // increase the load on the assigned server load[assigned_server]++; // remove the assigned server from available servers adding it to the busy servers available_servers.erase(assigned_server); busy_servers.push({ end_time, assigned_server}); } // calling the function to print the load on the server printLoad(serversSize, load); } int main(){ // given inputs int arrival_time[] = { 1, 2, 4, 6 }; int process_time[] = { 6, 1, 2, 2 }; int n = 4; int servers = 2; // calling to the function to get the required data; getLoad(n, arrival_time, process_time, servers); return 0; }
1 Server has load of: 1 2 Server has load of: 3
上面代码的时间复杂度为 O(N*log(M)),其中 N 是请求数,M 是服务器数。由于使用了优先级队列,因此我们得到了对数因子。
上面代码的空间复杂度为 O(M),因为我们使用了一些额外的空间来存储服务器上的负载,以及优先级队列的形式。
在本教程中,我们实现了一个程序,用于使用循环轮询搜索算法查找服务器负载。我们实现了一个程序,该程序以 O(N*log(M)) 的时间复杂度工作,因为我们使用了优先级队列以及哈希集分别获取服务器空闲时间和获取空闲服务器,这将空间复杂度提高到 O(M)。