检查 ArrayList 是否在 C# 中是只读的
要检查 ArrayList 是否为只读的,代码如下 -
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args) { ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(); list1.Add("ABC"); list1.Add("BCD"); list1.Add("CDE"); list1.Add("DEF"); list1.Add("EFG"); list1.Add("GHI"); list1.Add("HIJ"); list1.Add("IJK"); list1.Add("JKL"); list1.Add("KLM"); Console.WriteLine("Elements in ArrayList..."); foreach (string res in list1) { Console.WriteLine(res); } ArrayList list = ArrayList.Synchronized(list1); Console.WriteLine("Is ArrayList synchronized? = "+list.IsSynchronized); ArrayList list2 = ArrayList.FixedSize(list1); Console.WriteLine("Is ArrayList have a fixed size? = "+list2.IsFixedSize); Console.WriteLine("Is the ArrayList read-only? = "+list1.IsReadOnly); } }
这将产生以下输出 -
Elements in ArrayList... ABC BCD CDE DEF EFG GHI HIJ IJK JKL KLM Is ArrayList synchronized? = True Is ArrayList have a fixed size? = True Is the ArrayList read-only? = False
让我们看另一个例子 -
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args) { ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(); list1.Add("A"); list1.Add("B"); list1.Add("C"); list1.Add("D"); list1.Add("E"); list1.Add("F"); Console.WriteLine("Elements in ArrayList1..."); foreach (string res in list1) { Console.WriteLine(res); } Console.WriteLine("Is ArrayList1 synchronized? = "+list1.IsSynchronized); Console.WriteLine("Is the ArrayList1 read-only? = "+list1.IsReadOnly); ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(); list2.Add("A"); list2.Add("B"); list2.Add("C"); list2.Add("D"); list2.Add("E"); list2.Add("F"); Console.WriteLine("Elements in ArrayList2..."); foreach (string res in list2) { Console.WriteLine(res); } Console.WriteLine("Is ArrayList synchronized? = "+list2.IsSynchronized); Console.WriteLine("Is the ArrayList2 read-only? = "+list2.IsReadOnly); } }
这将产生以下输出 -
Elements in ArrayList1... A B C D E F Is ArrayList1 synchronized? = False Is the ArrayList1 read-only? = False Elements in ArrayList2... A B C D E F Is ArrayList synchronized? = False Is the ArrayList2 read-only? = False