Java 中的 Clock tick() 方法
可以通过使用 Java 中 Clock 类的 tick() 方法,按所需持续时间对基本时钟的对象进行舍入。此方法需要两个参数,即基本时钟和滴答持续时间。另外,还会返回按所需持续时间舍入的基本时钟的对象。
演示此过程的一个程序如下 −
import java.time.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Clock bClock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(); Instant i = bClock.instant(); System.out.println("The Instant of the base clock is: " + i); Clock c1 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofSeconds(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 seconds is: " + c1.instant()); Clock c2 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofHours(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 hours is: " + c2.instant()); Clock c3 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofDays(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 days is: " + c3.instant()); } }
The Instant of the base clock is: 2019-02-06T12:26:22.488Z Instant of the first clock with duration 45 seconds is: 2019-02-06T12:26:15Z Instant of the first clock with duration 45 hours is: 2019-02-05T12:00:00Z Instant of the first clock with duration 45 days is: 2019-01-14T00:00:00Z
使用 tick() 方法按所需持续时间对基本时钟的对象进行舍入。然后,使用 instant() 方法显示此对象。演示此过程的代码段如下 −
Clock bClock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(); Instant i = bClock.instant(); System.out.println("The Instant of the base clock is: " + i); Clock c1 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofSeconds(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 seconds is: " + c1.instant()); Clock c2 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofHours(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 hours is: " + c2.instant()); Clock c3 = Clock.tick(bClock, Duration.ofDays(45)); System.out.println("Instant of the first clock with duration 45 days is: " + c3.instant());