C++ 中带随机指针的列表复制
5-> 2 -> 3 -> 7 ->4 ->
说明:如果我们将新列表附加到给定链表中原始节点的值,并将原始链表的随机指针替换为新列表中的下一个节点,那么它将变成 5-> 2- >3 -> 7-> 4->
- 获取一个包含数据字段和指向其随机节点地址的指针的链表。
- 函数 copyRandomList(listnode*head) 将原始列表的头节点作为输入,并返回列表的深拷贝。
- 如果头节点为空,则列表为空,我们也必须返回头节点。
- 现在,在原始列表的每个节点之后插入一个具有相同值的新节点。
- 然后复制原始列表中的随机指针并插入新节点,即 newnode->next = curr->randomPointer
- 创建了一个带有指针和数据的新节点后,我们将分离列表并将其作为输出返回。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct listnode { int data; listnode * next, * random; listnode(int d) { data = d; next = NULL; random = NULL; } }; void print(listnode * head) { listnode * curr = head; while (curr) { cout << curr -> data << " " << curr -> random -> data << endl; curr = curr -> next; } } listnode * copyRandomList(listnode * head) { if (!head) { return head; } //Insert a new node with the same value after each node in the original list. listnode * curr = head; while (curr) { listnode * newHead = new listnode(curr -> data); newHead -> next = curr -> next; curr -> next = newHead; curr = curr -> next -> next; } //Now place the randompointer with the newly created node. curr = head; while (curr) { if (curr -> random) (curr -> next) -> random = (curr -> random) -> next; curr = curr -> next -> next; } //Now Let us separate the newly created list curr = head; listnode * result = curr -> next; listnode * dummyHead = new listnode(-1); dummyHead -> next = result; while (curr) { curr -> next = result -> next; curr = curr -> next; if (curr) { result -> next = curr -> next; } result = result -> next; } result = dummyHead -> next; delete dummyHead; return result; } int main() { listnode * head = new listnode(5); head -> next = new listnode(6); head -> next -> next = new listnode(3); head -> next -> next -> next = new listnode(4); head -> next -> next -> next -> next = new listnode(2); head -> random = head -> next -> next; head -> next -> random = head; head -> next -> next -> random = head -> next -> next -> next -> next; head -> next -> next -> next -> random = head -> next -> next -> next -> next; head -> next -> next -> next -> next -> random = head -> next; cout << "Original list :" << endl; print(head); cout << "Deep Copy of the List:" << endl; listnode * deep_copyList = copyRandomList(head); print(deep_copyList); return 0; }
Original List: 5 3 6 5 3 2 4 2 2 6 Deep Copy of the List: 5 3 6 5 3 2 4 2 2 6