C++ 程序实现 STL 中的 Forward_List
STL 中的 Forward list 实现了单向链表。List 与 forward_list 不同,list 可以同时跟踪到任意一个下一个元素和上一个元素。
而 forward list 仅跟踪到下一个元素的位置,这就增加了存储每个元素所需的存储空间。forward_list 存在的缺点是无法直接访问各个元素,并且无法向后迭代。
From main(), we have called following functions: fl.resize() = Returns the resize of forward_list. fl.push_front() = It is used to push elements into a foward_list from the front. fl.remove() = Deletes elements from forward_list. fl.unique() = Deletes duplicate elements from forward_list. fl.reverse() = Reverses the forward_list. fl.front() = Returns the front elements of forward_list
#include<iostream> #include <forward_list> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> fl; forward_list<int>::iterator it; int c, n; while (1) { cout<<"1.Insert Element at the Front"<<endl; cout<<"2.Delete Element at the Front"<<endl; cout<<"3.Front Element of Forward List"<<endl; cout<<"4.Resize Forward List"<<endl; cout<<"5.Remove Elements with Specific Values"<<endl; cout<<"6.Remove Duplicate Values"<<endl; cout<<"7.Reverse the order of elements"<<endl; cout<<"8.Display Forward List"<<endl; cout<<"9.Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your Choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: cout<<"Enter value to be inserted at the front: "; cin>>n; fl.push_front(n); break; case 2: n = fl.front(); fl.pop_front(); cout<<"Element "<<n<<" deleted"<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<"Front Element of the Forward List: "; cout<<fl.front()<<endl; break; case 4: cout<<"Enter new size of Forward List: "; cin>>n; if (n <= fl.max_size()) fl.resize(n); else fl.resize(n, 0); break; case 5: cout<<"Enter element to be deleted: "; cin>>n; fl.remove(n); break; case 6: fl.unique(); cout<<"Duplicate Items Deleted"<<endl; break; case 7: fl.reverse(); cout<<"Forward List reversed"<<endl; break; case 8: cout<<"Elements of Forward List: "; for (it = fl.begin(); it != fl.end(); it++) cout<<*it<<" "; cout<<endl; break; case 9: exit(1); break; default: cout<<"Wrong Choice"<<endl; } } return 0; }
1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 1 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 2 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 3 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 3 Front Element of the Forward List: 3 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 4 Enter new size of Forward List: 6 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 1 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 5 Enter element to be deleted: 1 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 8 Elements of Forward List: 3 2 0 0 0 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 4 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 5 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted at the front: 8 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 8 Elements of Forward List: 8 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 47 Wrong Choice 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 7 Forward List reversed 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 8 Elements of Forward List: 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 8 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 4 Enter new size of Forward List: 4 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 8 Elements of Forward List: 0 0 0 2 1.Insert Element at the Front 2.Delete Element at the Front 3.Front Element of Forward List 4.Resize Forward List 5.Remove Elements with Specific Values 6.Remove Duplicate Values 7.Reverse the order of elements 8.Display Forward List 9.Exit Enter your Choice: 9 Exit code: 1