Node.js 中的 crypto.privateDecrypt() 方法
crypto.privateDecrypt() 用于解密给定数据内容,方法是使用先前使用 crypto.publicEncrypt() 方法与相应的公钥一起加密的参数中传递的私钥。
crypto.privateDecrypt(privateKey, buffer)
以上参数的描述如下 -
key – 它可以包含以下类型的 5 种数据 - Object、String、Buffer 或 KeyObject。
oaepHash – 此字段包含要用于 OAEP 填充和 MGF1 的哈希函数。默认值为: 'sha1'。
oaepLabel – 此字段包含 OAEP 填充的值。如果没有指定,则不使用标签。
padding – 这是在 crypto.constants 中定义的可选值。
buffer – 此字段包含要解密的数据内容。可能的缓冲区类型是:string、TypedArray、Buffer、ArrayBuffer、DataView。
创建一个名为 privateDecrypt.js 的文件并复制以下代码段。创建文件后,使用以下命令运行此代码,如下面的示例中所示 -
node privateDecrypt.js
// Node.js program to demonstrate the flow of crypto.privateDecrypt() method // Importing crypto and fs module const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require("fs"); // Reading the Public Key. //You can generate these keys using generateKeyPair() publicKey = fs.readFileSync('public_key').toString(); // Passing the below text to be encrypted var buf = Buffer.from('Hello TutorialsPoint', 'utf8'); // Encrypting the above text secretData = crypto.publicEncrypt(publicKey, buf); // Printing the encrypted text console.log(secretData); // Reading the Private key privateKey = fs.readFileSync('private_key').toString(); // Decrypting the encrypted text origData = crypto.privateDecrypt(privateKey, secretData); console.log(); // Printing the original text as buffer console.log(origData);
ode>> node privateDecrypt.js <Buffer 15 4b 51 02 e7 1c ec 11 20 55 ee 92 b2 18 7b ce f1 e1 97 bd b7 0d 54 21 18 ea 0c e7 cd 51 36 f5 13 df fb 41 c1 63 bb ac ee 94 12 df f6 d6 04 b1 9c 11 ... > <Buffer 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 54 75 74 6f 72 69 61 6c 73 50 6f 69 6e 74>
// Node.js program to demonstrate the flow of crypto.privateDecrypt() method // Importing crypto and fs module const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require("fs"); // Generating key files using generateKeyPairSync() method function generateKeyFiles() { const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', { modulusLength: 530, publicKeyEncoding: { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' }, privateKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs8', format: 'pem', cipher: 'aes-256-cbc', passphrase: '' } }); // Writing the keys in the following files fs.writeFileSync("public_key", keyPair.publicKey); fs.writeFileSync("private_key", keyPair.privateKey); } // Calling Generate keys method generateKeyFiles(); // Encrypting the pased string function encryptString (plaintext, publicKeyFile) { const publicKey = fs.readFileSync(publicKeyFile, "utf8"); // Encrypting data using publicEncrypt() method and a public key const encrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt( publicKey, Buffer.from(plaintext)); return encrypted.toString("base64"); } // Decrypting the passed string with private Key function decryptString (ciphertext, privateKeyFile) { const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(privateKeyFile, "utf8"); // Decrypting data using privateDecrypt() method // and the corresponding private key const decrypted = crypto.privateDecrypt( { key: privateKey, passphrase: '', }, Buffer.from(ciphertext, "base64") ); return decrypted.toString("utf8"); } // Following data will be encrypted and decrypted const plainText = "TutorialsPoint!"; // Calling the below method to encrypt string const encrypted = encryptString(plainText, "./public_key"); // Printing the plain text console.log("Plaintext:", plainText); console.log(); // Printing the encrypted text console.log("Encrypted Text: ", encrypted); console.log(); // Printing the decrypted text console.log("Decrypted Text: ", decryptString(encrypted, "private_key"));
ode>> node privateDecrypt.js Plaintext: TutorialsPoint! Encrypted Text: AbSrqG4qFBG1q9KUBt8ddJxk9uNanOHXqY19N0mNHx0fm4M119dZVhcNrAvM8UaIRJvh7AsdWyjv1s cPA25KpeJuJQ== Decrypted Text: TutorialsPoint!