使用此方法,算法的复杂度为 O(n)。
Input: Different letters and their frequency in sorted order Letters: {L, K, X, C, E, B, A, F} Frequency: {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4} Output: Codes for the letters L: 0000 K: 0001 X: 001 C: 010 E: 011 F: 10 B: 110 A: 111
huffmanCodes(dataList, freqList, n)
输出 −已分配给代码的字符。
Begin root := huffmanTree(dataList, freqList, n) //create root of Huffman tree create an array to store codes, and top pointer for that array. call getCodes(root, array, top) to find codes for each character. End
getCodes(root :node, array, top)
输出 −每个字符的代码
Begin if leftChild(root) ≠φ then array[top] := 0 getCodes(leftChild(root), array, top) if rightChild(root) ≠φ then array[top] = 1 getCode(rightChild(root), array, top) if leftChild(root) = φ AND rightChild(root) = φ then display the character ch of root for all entries of the array do display the code in array[i] for character ch done End
huffmanTree(dataList, freqList, n)
输入 −数据列表和频率列表,以及列表中的数据。
输出 −创建霍夫曼树
Begin for all different character ch do add node with ch and frequency of ch into queue q1 done while q1 is not empty OR size of q2 ≠ 1 do find two minimum node using q1 and q2 and add them as left and right child of a new node. add new node in q2 done delete node from q2 and return that node. End
#include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct node { char data; int freq; node *child0, *child1; }; node *getNode(char d, int f) { node *newNode = new node; newNode->data = d; newNode->freq = f; newNode->child0 = NULL; newNode->child1 = NULL; return newNode; } node *findMinNode(queue<node*>&q1, queue<node*>&q2) { node *minNode; if(q1.empty()) { //if first queue is empty, delete and return node from second queue minNode = q2.front(); q2.pop(); return minNode; } if(q2.empty()) { //if second queue is empty, delete and return node from first queue minNode = q1.front(); q1.pop(); return minNode; } if((q1.front()->freq) < (q2.front()->freq)) { //find smaller from two queues minNode = q1.front(); q1.pop(); return minNode; }else { minNode = q2.front(); q2.pop(); return minNode; } } node *huffmanTree(char data[], int frequency[], int n) { node *c0, *c1, *par; node *newNode; queue<node*> qu1, qu2; for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) { //add all node to queue 1 newNode = getNode(data[i], frequency[i]); qu1.push(newNode); } while(!(qu1.empty() && (qu2.size() == 1))) { c0 = findMinNode(qu1, qu2); //find two minimum as two child c1 = findMinNode(qu1, qu2); node *newNode = getNode('#', c0->freq+c1->freq); //intermediate node holds special character par = newNode; par->child0 = c0; par->child1 = c1; qu2.push(par); //add sub tree into queue 2 } node *retNode = qu2.front(); qu2.pop(); return retNode; } void getCodes(node *rootNode, int array[], int n) { //array to store the code if(rootNode->child0 != NULL) { array[n] = 0; getCodes(rootNode->child0, array, n+1); } if(rootNode->child1 != NULL) { array[n] = 1; getCodes(rootNode->child1, array, n+1); } if(rootNode->child0 == NULL && rootNode->child1 == NULL) { // when root is leaf node cout << rootNode->data << ": "; for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) cout << array[i]; cout << endl; } } void huffmanCodes(char data[], int frequency[], int n) { node *rootNode = huffmanTree(data, frequency, n); int array[50], top = 0; getCodes(rootNode, array, top); } int main() { char data[] = {'L', 'K', 'X', 'C', 'E', 'B', 'A', 'F'}; int frequency[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4}; int n = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]); huffmanCodes(data, frequency, n); }
L: 0000 K: 0001 X: 001 C: 010 E: 011 F: 10 B: 110 A: 111