解释 C 语言中结构变量的访问
struct 关键字用于声明结构。
结构可以声明为以下形式 −
Struct structurename{ //member declaration };
以下是 C 程序中访问结构变量的内容 −
struct book{ int pages; float price; char author[20]; }; Accessing structure members in C #include<stdio.h> //Declaring structure// struct{ char name[50]; int roll; float percentage; char grade[50]; }s1,s2; void main(){ //Reading User I/p// printf("enter Name of 1st student : "); gets(s1.name); printf("enter Roll number of 1st student : "); scanf("%d",&s1.roll); printf("Enter the average of 1st student : "); scanf("%f",&s1.percentage); printf("Enter grade status of 1st student : "); scanf("%s",s1.grade); //Printing O/p// printf("The name of 1st student is : %s
",s1.name); printf("The roll number of 1st student is : %d
",s1.roll); printf("The average of 1st student is : %f
",s1.percentage); printf("The student 1 grade is : %s and percentage of %f
",s1.grade,s1.percentage); }
执行上述程序后,生成以下结果 −
enter Name of 1st student: Bhanu enter Roll number of 1st student: 2 Enter the average of 1st student: 68 Enter grade status of 1st student: A The name of 1st student is: Bhanu The roll number of 1st student is: 2 The average of 1st student is: 68.000000 The student 1 grade is: A and percentage of 68.000000