以下是C语言中结构指针的声明 −
struct tagname *ptr;
例如:struct student *s;
Ptr-> membername;
例如 − s->sno, s->sname, s->marks;
以下是C程序,解释了C编程中结构的动态内存分配 −
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct person { int age; float weight; char name[30]; }; int main(){ struct person *ptr; int i, n; printf("Enter the number of persons: "); scanf("%d", &n); // allocating memory for n numbers of struct person ptr = (struct person*) malloc(n * sizeof(struct person)); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){ printf("Enter name and age respectively: "); // To access members of 1st struct person, // ptr->name and ptr->age is used // To access members of 2nd struct person, // (ptr+1)->name and (ptr+1)->age is used scanf("%s %d", (ptr+i)->name, &(ptr+i)->age); } printf("Displaying Information:
"); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf("Name: %s\tAge: %d
", (ptr+i)->name, (ptr+i)->age); return 0; }
当上文程序执行时,它产生如下结果 −
Enter the number of persons: 1 Enter name and age respectively: bhanu 24 Displaying Information: Name: bhanu Age: 24
#include<stdio.h> //Declaring outer and inter structures// struct Manager{ char Name[15]; int Age; char Gender; float Level; char Role[50]; char temp; }m[20]; void main(){ //Declaring variable for For loop and pointer variable// int i; struct Manager *p; //Defining Pointer// p=&m; //Reading User I/p// for (i=1;i<3;i++){//Declaring function to accept 2 manager's data// printf("Enter the Name of manager %d : ",i); gets(p->Name); printf("Enter the Age of manager %d : ",i); scanf("%d",&p->Age); scanf("%c",&p->temp);//Clearing Buffer// printf("Enter the Gender of manager %d : ",i); scanf("%c",&p->Gender); //scanf("%c",&p->temp);//Clearing Buffer// printf("Enter the level of manager %d : ",i); scanf("%f",&p->Level); scanf("%c",&p->temp);//Clearing Buffer// printf("Enter the role of manager %d : ",i); gets(p->Role); p++; } //Defining Pointer one more time to print output// p=&m; //Printing O/p// for (i=1;i<3;i++){ printf("The Name of Manager %d is : %s
",i,p->Name); printf("The Age of Manager %d is : %d
",i,p->Age); printf("The Gender of Manager %d is : %c
",i,p->Gender); printf("The Level of Manager %d is : %f
",i,p->Level); printf("The Role of Manager %d is : %s
",i,p->Role); p++; } }
当上文程序执行时,它产生如下结果 −
Enter the Name of manager 1 : Hari Enter the Age of manager 1 : 55 Enter the Gender of manager 1 : M Enter the level of manager 1 : 2 Enter the role of manager 1 : Senior Enter the Name of manager 2 : Bob Enter the Age of manager 2 : 60 Enter the Gender of manager 2 : M Enter the level of manager 2 : 1 Enter the role of manager 2 : CEO The Name of Manager 1 is : Hari The Age of Manager 1 is : 55 The Gender of Manager 1 is : M The Level of Manager 1 is : 2.000000 The Role of Manager 1 is : Senior The Name of Manager 2 is : Bob The Age of Manager 2 is : 60 The Gender of Manager 2 is : M The Level of Manager 2 is : 1.000000 The Role of Manager 2 is : CEO