在 C++ 中查找排序双向链表中具有给定乘积的数对
对于给定的正的不同元素的排序双向链表,我们的任务是在双向链表中确定乘积等于给定值 x 的数对,并且不占用任何额外的空间。
List = 1 <=> 2 <=> 4 <=> 5 <=> 6 <=> 8 <=> 9 x = 8
(1, 8), (2, 4)
List1 = 1 <=> 2 <=> 3 <=> 4 <=> 5 <=> 6 <=> 7 x = 6
(1, 4), (2,3)
根据此问题的**简单方法**,我们遍历链表并实现两个嵌套循环,确定所有数对并验证乘积等于 x 的数对。在这里,此问题的复杂度为 O(n^2),其中 n 是双向链表中节点的总数。
我们将 first1 初始化为双向链表的开头,即 first1=head,并将 second1 初始化为双向链表的最后一个节点,即 second1=last_node。
现在我们将 first 和 second 指针初始化为第一个和最后一个节点。在这种情况下,我们没有随机访问,因此要确定 second 指针,我们访问列表以初始化 second1。
可以看出,如果 first1 和 second1 的当前和小于 x,则我们将 first1 向前移动。否则,如果 first1 和 second1 的当前和大于 x,则我们将 second1 向后移动。
最后,循环终止条件也与数组不同。在这种情况下,当两个指针中的任何一个变为 NULL,或者它们彼此交叉 (second1->next = first1),或者它们变为相同 (first1 == second1) 时,循环结束。
// C++ program to find a pair with // given product x in sorted Doubly // Linked List #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //Shows Doubly Linked List Node struct Node1 { int data1; struct Node1 *next1, *prev1; }; // Shows function to determine pair whose product // equal to given value x void pairProduct(struct Node1* head1, int x1){ // Now set two pointers, // first to the beginning of DLL and second to the end of DLL. struct Node1* first1 = head1; struct Node1* second1 = head1; while (second1->next1 != NULL) second1 = second1->next1; // Used to track if we find a pair or not bool found1 = false; // Now the loop terminates when either of two pointers // become NULL, or they cross each other (second1->next1 // == first1), or they become same (first1 == second1) while (first1 != NULL && second1 != NULL && first1 != second1 && second1->next1 != first1) { // pair found if ((first1->data1 * second1->data1) == x1) { found1 = true; cout << "(" << first1->data1 << ", " << second1->data1 << ")" << endl; // Used to move first in forward direction first1 = first1->next1; // Used to move second in backward direction second1 = second1->prev1; } else { if ((first1->data1 * second1->data1) < x1) first1 = first1->next1; else second1 = second1->prev1; } } // Now if pair is not present if (found1 == false) cout << "No pair found"; } // Shows a utility function to insert a new node at the // beginning of doubly linked list void insert(struct Node1** head1, int data1){ struct Node1* temp1 = new Node1; temp1->data1 = data1; temp1->next1 = temp1->prev1 = NULL; if (!(*head1)) (*head1) = temp1; else { temp1->next1 = *head1; (*head1)->prev1 = temp1; (*head1) = temp1; } } // Driver Code int main(){ // Create Doubly Linked List struct Node1* head1 = NULL; /*insert(&head1, 9); insert(&head1, 8); insert(&head1, 6); insert(&head1, 5); insert(&head1, 4); insert(&head1, 2); insert(&head1, 1); int x1 = 8; */ insert(&head1, 7); insert(&head1, 6); insert(&head1, 5); insert(&head1, 4); insert(&head1, 3); insert(&head1, 2); insert(&head1, 1); int x1 = 6; pairProduct(head1, x1); return 0; }
(1, 6) (2, 3)