在 Python 中查找排序双向链表中乘积为给定值的数对
假设我们有一个排序的、包含唯一正数的双向链表;我们需要找到链表中乘积等于给定值 x 的数对。需要注意的是,这需要在不占用额外空间的情况下解决。
因此,如果输入类似 L = 1 ⇔ 2 ⇔ 4 ⇔ 5 ⇔ 6 ⇔ 8 ⇔ 9 并且 x = 8,则输出将为 (1, 8), (2, 4)
curr := 头节点, nxt := 头节点
当 nxt.next 不为空时,执行循环
nxt := nxt.next
found := False
当 curr 和 nxt 不为空,且 curr 和 nxt 不同,并且 nxt.next 不等于 curr 时,执行循环
如果 (curr.data * nxt.data) 等于 x,则
found := True
显示数对 curr.data, nxt.data
curr := curr.next
nxt := nxt.prev
如果 (curr.data * nxt.data) < x,则
curr := curr.next
nxt := nxt.prev
如果 found 为 False,则
显示 "未找到"
class ListNode: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.prev = None self.next = None def insert(head, data): node = ListNode(0) node.data = data node.next = node.prev = None if (head == None): (head) = node else : node.next = head head.prev = node head = node return head def get_pair_prod(head, x): curr = head nxt = head while (nxt.next != None): nxt = nxt.next found = False while (curr != None and nxt != None and curr != nxt and nxt.next != curr) : if ((curr.data * nxt.data) == x) : found = True print("(", curr.data, ", ", nxt.data, ")") curr = curr.next nxt = nxt.prev else : if ((curr.data * nxt.data) < x): curr = curr.next else: nxt = nxt.prev if (found == False): print( "Not found") head = None head = insert(head, 9) head = insert(head, 8) head = insert(head, 6) head = insert(head, 5) head = insert(head, 4) head = insert(head, 2) head = insert(head, 1) x = 8 get_pair_prod(head, x)
head = None head = insert(head, 9) head = insert(head, 8) head = insert(head, 6) head = insert(head, 5) head = insert(head, 4) head = insert(head, 2) head = insert(head, 1) x = 8
( 1 , 8 ) ( 2 , 4 )