Go 语言程序:查找两个数组中的不同元素

在本教程中,我们将学习如何编写一个 Go 语言程序来查找两个数组中的不同元素。本文将编写两个程序。第一个程序将使用字符串数组,第二个程序将使用整数数组。


步骤 1 − 导入 fmt 包。

步骤 2 − 定义三个名为 intersection()、uniquearr1 和 uniquearr2 的函数。

步骤 3 − intersection() 函数查找两个数组的公共元素,而其他两个函数则从给定数组中删除这些公共元素。

步骤 4 − 所有这些函数都使用 for 循环迭代两个数组,并检查一个数组的当前元素是否等于另一个数组的元素。

步骤 5 − 启动 main() 函数。

步骤 6 − 初始化两个字符串数组,并将值存储到其中。

步骤 7 − 调用 intersection() 函数,并将最终结果存储在不同的变量中。

步骤 8 − 现在,通过传递数组和结果数组作为参数来调用 uniquearr1() 和 uniquearr2()。存储结果并将两个数组追加到一个新数组中。

步骤 9 − 在屏幕上打印结果。

示例 1


package main
import "fmt"
// function to get common elements
func intersection(arr1, arr2 []string) []string {
   out := []string{}
   bucket := map[string]bool{}
   for _, i := range arr1 {
      for _, j := range arr2 {
         if i == j && !bucket[i] {
            out = append(out, i)
            bucket[i] = true
   return out

// function to remove common elements from first array
func uniquearr1(arr1, result []string) []string {
   index := len(arr1)
   index1 := len(result)
   for i := 0; i <= index-1; i++ {
      for j := 0; j <= index1-1; j++ {
         if arr1[i] == result[j] {
            arr1[i] = arr1[index-1]
            arr1[index-1] = ""
            arr1 = arr1[:index-1]
            index = index - 1
            i = 0
   return arr1
// function to remove common elements from second array
func uniquearr2(arr2, result []string) []string {
   index1 := len(result)
   lenarr2 := len(arr2)
   for i := 0; i <= lenarr2-1; i++ {
      for j := 0; j <= index1-1; j++ {
         if arr2[i] == result[j] {
            arr2[i] = arr2[lenarr2-1]
            arr2[lenarr2-1] = ""
            arr2 = arr2[:lenarr2-1]
            lenarr2 = lenarr2 - 1
            i = 0
   return arr2
func main() {
   arr1 := []string{"apple", "mango", "banana", "papaya"}
   fmt.Println("The first array entered is:", arr1)
   arr2 := []string{"cherry", "papaya", "mango"}
   fmt.Println("The second array entered is:", arr2)
   result := intersection(arr1, arr2)
   result1 := uniquearr1(arr1, result)
   result2 := uniquearr2(arr2, result)
   var finalres []string
   finalres = append(finalres, result1...)
   finalres = append(finalres, result2...)
   fmt.Println("The final array containing distinct values from the above mentioned arrays is:", finalres)


The first array entered is: [apple mango banana papaya]
The second array entered is: [cherry papaya mango]

The final array containing distinct values from the above mentioned arrays is: [apple banana cherry]

示例 2

以下代码演示了如何在 Go 编程语言中查找两个不同整数数组中的不同元素。

package main
import "fmt"

// function to get common elements
func intersection(arr1, arr2 []int) []int {
   out := []int{}
   bucket := map[int]bool{}
   for _, i := range arr1 {
      for _, j := range arr2 {
         if i == j && !bucket[i] {
            out = append(out, i)
            bucket[i] = true
   return out
func uniquearr1(arr1, result []int) []int {
   index := len(arr1)
   index1 := len(result)
   for i := 0; i <= index-1; i++ {
      for j := 0; j <= index1-1; j++ {
         if arr1[i] == result[j] {
            arr1[i] = arr1[index-1]
            arr1[index-1] = 0
            arr1 = arr1[:index-1]
            index = index - 1
            i = 0
   return arr1
func uniquearr2(arr2, result []int) []int {
   index1 := len(result)
   lenarr2 := len(arr2)
   for i := 0; i <= lenarr2-1; i++ {
      for j := 0; j <= index1-1; j++ {
         if arr2[i] == result[j] {
            arr2[i] = arr2[lenarr2-1]
            arr2[lenarr2-1] = 0
            arr2 = arr2[:lenarr2-1]
            lenarr2 = lenarr2 - 1
            i = 0
   return arr2
func main() {
   arr1 := []int{11, 25, 35, 23, 54}
   fmt.Println("The first array entered is:", arr1)
   arr2 := []int{35, 89, 60, 54, 23}
   fmt.Println("The second array entered is:", arr2)
   result := intersection(arr1, arr2)
   result1 := uniquearr1(arr1, result)
   result2 := uniquearr2(arr2, result)
   var finalres []int
   finalres = append(finalres, result1...)
   finalres = append(finalres, result2...)
   fmt.Println("The final array containing distinct values from the above mentioned arrays is:", finalres)


The first array entered is: [11 25 35 23 54]
The second array entered is: [35 89 60 54 23]

The final array containing distinct values from the above mentioned arrays is: [11 25 60 89]


我们已经成功编译并执行了一个 Go 语言程序来查找两个数组的不同元素,并附带示例。

更新于: 2023年2月9日

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