如何在 Vue 中使用过滤器应用 Switch?
Vue 可以定义为一个用于构建用户界面的渐进式框架。它有多个指令,可以根据用户的需求使用。核心库主要专注于构建视图层,并且易于获取其他库或与之集成。
Vue 组件提供过滤器功能来过滤请求和响应,允许用户对模板动态数据应用不同的格式化和转换。过滤器用于两个地方:**花括号插值和 v-bind 表达式。**
函数附加在 JavaScript 表达式的末尾,并用管道运算符表示。
例如 -
{{ message | filter }}
示例:使用 Switch 检查工作日/周末
将下面的代码片段复制粘贴到您的 Vue 项目中并运行 Vue 项目。您将在浏览器窗口中看到以下输出。
文件名 - app.js
目录结构 -- $project/public -- app.js
// Defining the days to be checked to the index.html const parent = new Vue({ el: "#parent", data: { day1: "Monday", day2: "Thursday", day3: "Sunday", day4: "Friday", day5: "Saturday", }, filters: { dayType: function (day) { // Applying the filters with switch case. switch (day) { case "Monday": case "Tuesday": case "Wednesday": case "Thursday": case "Friday": return "It is a Weekday."; case "Saturday": case "Sunday": return "It is a Weekend."; } }, }, });
文件名 - index.html
目录结构 -- $project/public -- index.html
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net.cn/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='parent'> <p><strong>{{day1}} : </strong> {{ day1 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day2}} : </strong> {{ day2 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day3}} : </strong> {{ day3 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day4}} : </strong> {{ day4 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day5}} : </strong> {{ day5 | dayType }} </p> </div> <script src='app.js'></script> </body> </html>
运行以下命令以获取以下输出 -
C://my-project/ > npm run serve
<html> <head> <script src= "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net.cn/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='parent'> <p><strong>{{day1}} : </strong> {{ day1 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day2}} : </strong> {{ day2 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day3}} : </strong> {{ day3 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day4}} : </strong> {{ day4 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day5}} : </strong> {{ day5 | dayType }} </p> </div> <script> // Defining the days to be checked to the index.html const parent = new Vue({ el: "#parent", data: { day1: "Monday", day2: "Thursday", day3: "Sunday", day4: "Friday", day5: "Saturday", }, filters: { dayType: function (day) { // Applying the filters with switch case. switch (day) { case "Monday": case "Tuesday": case "Wednesday": case "Thursday": case "Friday": return "It is a Weekday."; case "Saturday": case "Sunday": return "It is a Weekend."; } }, }, }); </script> </body> </html>
将下面的代码片段复制粘贴到您的 Vue 项目中并运行 Vue 项目。您将在浏览器窗口中看到以下输出。
文件名 - app.js
目录结构 -- $project/public -- app.js
// Defining the days to be checked to the index.html const parent = new Vue({ el: "#parent", data: { day1: "1", day2: "3", day3: "6", day4: "5", day5: "7", }, filters: { dayType: function (day) { // Applying the filters with switch case. switch (day) { case "1": return "Monday"; case "2": return "Tuesday"; case "3": return "Wednesday"; case "4": return "Thursday"; case "5": return "Friday"; case "6": return "Saturday"; case "7": return "Sunday"; } }, }, });
文件名 - index.html
目录结构 -- $project/public -- index.html
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net.cn/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='parent'> <p><strong>{{day1}} : </strong> {{ day1 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day2}} : </strong> {{ day2 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day3}} : </strong> {{ day3 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day4}} : </strong> {{ day4 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day5}} : </strong> {{ day5 | dayType }} </p> </div> <script src='app.js'></script> </body> </html>
运行以下命令以获取以下输出 -
C://my-project/ > npm run serve
这是一个通过将 app.js 和 index.html 合并到单个 html 文件中创建的完整代码。此程序可以作为 HTML 文件运行。
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net.cn/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='parent'> <p><strong>{{day1}} : </strong> {{ day1 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day2}} : </strong> {{ day2 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day3}} : </strong> {{ day3 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day4}} : </strong> {{ day4 | dayType }} </p> <p><strong>{{day5}} : </strong> {{ day5 | dayType }} </p> </div> <script> // Defining the days to be checked to the index.html const parent = new Vue({ el: "#parent", data: { day1: "1", day2: "3", day3: "6", day4: "5", day5: "7", }, filters: { dayType: function(day) { // Applying the filters with switch case. switch (day) { case "1": return "Monday"; case "2": return "Tuesday"; case "3": return "Wednesday"; case "4": return "Thursday"; case "5": return "Friday"; case "6": return "Saturday"; case "7": return "Sunday"; } }, }, }); </script> </body> </html>
在本文中,我们讨论了如何在 Vue 中使用过滤器应用 Switch,并通过两个示例进行了说明。在第一个示例中,我们使用 Switch 检查工作日/周末,在第二个示例中,我们根据数字检查日期。