如何用 Python 找到给定字符串的所有可能排列?
若要找到给定字符串的所有可能排列,可以使用 itertools 模块,该模块具有一个简单易用的方法 permutations(iterable[, r])。此方法以元组形式返回 iterable 中的元素的 r 长度的连续排列。
>>>from itertools import permutations >>>print [''.join(p) for p in permutations('dune')] ['dune','duen', 'dnue', 'dneu', 'deun', 'denu', 'udne', 'uden', 'unde', 'uned', 'uedn','uend', 'ndue', 'ndeu', 'nude', 'nued', 'nedu', 'neud', 'edun', 'ednu','eudn', 'eund', 'endu', 'enud']
def permutations(string, step = 0): if step == len(string): # we've gotten to the end, print the permutation print "".join(string) for i in range(step, len(string)): # copy the string (store as array) string_copy = [c for c in string] # swap the current index with the step string_copy[step], string_copy[i] =string_copy[i], string_copy[step] # recurse on the portion of the stringthat has not been swapped yet permutations(string_copy, step + 1) print (permutations ('one'))
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